Chapter 1. All alone..

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"HAHA, NO WAY OLD MAN, KISS MY ASS!!" Zion said as he ran away from the clerk. He was a orphan. No family, no people to lean on, no support. He learned to just live with it, since all he ever did was cause trouble. He wasnt a bad kid, he just wanted love.
"Gotcha Zion"
Zion was caught by the APDF (ANGEL POLICE DEPARTMENT FORCE) and takin in by Hermillies. Hermillies was a angel who took in Zion while he was a orphan. He tries to keep him out of trouble, watch over him, he's like a big brother to Zion. See the world changed over the past 2 centuries. Angels have started to live with the humans.. But they wernt the only ones, demons have also decided to live with the humans. Angels are know to have and or do holy or righteous things. Demons.. Well, you get it.
"So your still stealing food from the fruit stands huh Zion"
" Cmon let me go Hermillies, you know i was going to give it back" zion said.
"You know if you were hungry you could have came to me"
"I could feed myself! As a matter of fact. Im not even hungry! Hmph!"
Zion stomach began to growl
" Haha, are you sure? I heard theres a new buffet around the corner and i haven't had anyone to go with me, would you like to go?" Hermilles said urging.
" i guess i could fit time in my schedule, NAH JUST PLAYING LETS GO!"

When they arrived. They saw a young angel man dining in. When Zion & Hermillies sat in the booth next to him, The young man got up disgusted and said " who let this trash in this building"
" shut your mouth, or i'll shut it for you" zion said angrily.
" outcast like you shouldn't even be allowed to breath air, you disgust me"
Zion was sadden. Outcast, traitor, monster. These were all the things he was called, but never knew why. No one would tell him.
"Sir you need to leave, Now!" Hermillies said. " fine, i dont want to eat were they let monsters like him in here"
A tear rolls from Zions eyes.

 " fine, i dont want to eat were they let monsters like him in here"A tear rolls from Zions eyes

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"Now that jerk is gone, shall we start to eat" but he sees zion headed for the door. Hermillies runs to go catch him. "Zion, whats wrong?"
" what the hell is wrong with me huh?!, why am i a traitor, a monster! Why am i those things?!.. Why do the angels hate me.. What did i do..."
" you did nonthing wro-"
"BULLSHIT!, your hiding something from me Hermillies, what is something your not telling me! I WANT THE TRUTH!!" Zion pleadly asking.
" i cannot tell you..." With that Zion runs off into a alley way.
While running he bumps into some demon thugs. He falls to the floor of the impact.
" well look what we have here fellas, lunch"
" Fuck off! Im not afraid of you" he said while struggling to break free from the grip of the thug
" oh but your one of us hehehe"
"What? What do you me-" he was punched by the demon in the gut, knockin him unconscious.
"ZION WHERE ARE YOU!!" Hermillies then spots Zion unconscious while the demons try to devour him. " GET AWAY FROM HIM!"
Hermillies rushes in and punches one of the demons, which sends him flying!
" well well mr. Officer, you done gone and ruined my good meal"
Touch this boy and your life end here" Hermillies said devotedly.
" i will eat that child, his soul and power will be mines!!" The demon then charges at Hermillies. At battle ensues.
When he awake he find Hermillies sittin by him pretty beatin up with the demons gone.
" Hermillies! Are you ok!? What happened?!" "Nonthin kid lets just get home ok, we'll order a pizza"
"Sounds good to me" Zion replied.

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