The tale of lost fortune

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21st Janurary 1941

This war seems to be going on forever! Oh well, at least some things are still normal.

My 'School Bus' was late again, that's certainly not unusual! I was sure I'd forgotten my book this morning so I had to borrow Anne's. At lunchtime I found out that it was only the silly little boys of our class who had taken it. I wish they'd nick each other's stuff instead of the girls'. That would be much more funnier. Then after lunch I had an idea. I would nick their stuff! The boys got into huge paddies when they found out their pens were missing. Of course I did put them all back at home time, so I didn't get the cane. Colin Baker got the ruler on the knuckles today for whispering behind his desk to Tony Jones. Then he had to write 100 lines saying 'I must not talk in class.'

I won every game of conkers I played today. I won a packer of Malteasers with a conker. I hope I win after trading my famous conker Tornado with Ella's spam sandwich. YUM!!! I have still got my legendary conker KING CONKER!!

Domestic Science was absolutley amazing today. We made an apple and blackberry crumble! Then we even got to bring it home and eat it! That was by far the best bit. It was gorgeous.

When   this morning and fed the pigs old Geritie looked like she was going to have piglets. Maybe even today! If Pa will let me name them I'll call them Pingo and Pongolio! I've just mucked them out. It was disgusting and Pa's gone off in the landrover to get the vet.

Jack and Jim are playing Ludo downstairs and Stephen and Jane are playing cards. I wish I didn't have to go to bed at 8 o'clock. Oh well, at least I am allowed to read or write my diary in bed as long as I like. Though it's hard to read with barely any light on.

Today's episode of 'Dick Barton Special Agent' on our wireless (6:45pm) was really good. I can't believe I have to wait 24 hours until the next show!

 wish it was still last week, or that I had a birthday every week. It was really nice to have all of my friends round to play and stay the night, and then to wake up in the morning and show everyone how to do the milking and show them pregnant Geritie.


I suppose it is Christmas soon so I'll have lots more presents in my stocking. After Santa Claus has filled the stockings it's great fun trying to guess what is in my litttle bundles of newspaper.

25th October 1942

The siren went off at school again today and we missed out on the whole of Domestic Science! I was meant to make a fruit cake, I was dribbling all over it I wish it had been during English instead. We had a bloomin' test. Then two hours later it off went again in the Sports lesson. That was my luckiest siren time. I hate P.E they make you run round in circles in winter. That should be banned.

Ma is ill at the moment and Pa is looking after Geritie so I had to go and get the food today. Ration Books are so fiddly, you have to sort out what you need, and then find out how many tokens you need. We're not allowed to throw anything away nowadays, and everything's so healthy. I can't even remember what chocolate tastes like let alone when I last had any!

Stephen and Jane left to begin work in the army today. I wish they didn't have to go.

5 years later......

4th June 1947

I'm glad Pa said that I could work on the farm now I've left school. It would be horrid to have to leave all the animals. I might only get paid £5 a week but it's better than spending all the daylight hours in a London office. That 's what Patricia had to do.

50 years later......

30th September 1999

Today I went to the local primary school to be interviewed about my experiences in the war. Looking back on my school days now I wish I'd made the most of them. They were definitely the best days of my life.

There is so much more traffic on the roads now, that's changed a lot. I think teachers aren't strict enough now but still children are much more mature now than they used to be. Television has stopped a lot of socialising because so much time is spent watching it.

In the 1940's you were able to go out on your own at a much earlier age without having to worry about people lurking all over the pla ce. You could feel a lot freer then. Overall I think it was better inthe 1940's.

Thanks for reading the diary of Anne Furger. I found it fun to write I hope you feel the same about reading it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2011 ⏰

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