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Dating no one


Y/N🍑: guybbbbbs I gots to tells yous somfin

Papi😏: what the fuck Y/N it's 3 am

Swazzz🍆: I'm gonna kill you for waking me up

Y/N🍑: damn swazz I'm hurt😭

Weed man🚬: don't be mean to my baby swazz

Swazzz🍆: shush

Y/N🍑: guess what

Daddy wilk😘: what is it ma

Y/N🍑: im hornsy

Papi😏: are you drunk


Daddy wilk😘: where are you ma

Y/N🍑: my room

Swazzz🍆: good so your not in trouble

Y/N🍑: nooe

Y/N🍑: hey lokk

 Weed man🚬: damn Lil ma

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Weed man🚬: damn Lil ma

Daddy wilk😘: 😳😳😳😳

Swazzz🍆: oh good lord


KDL💦: Wus good people

KDL💦: wait what

KDL💦: well damn 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

Hey so its my first one and I know its bad but bare with me it'll get better the emoji will change depending on who your dating

OGOC & Freshlee Squad text/ imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora