History Seeker Prologue

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Hi everyone this is my first story with the help of VampireRose1223. I got the idea from 'The Seeker' movie. There will be some similarities but it's still my story. Originally I wanted to have the idea of the history seeker with a 'Eragon' twist. The reason was because I love the magic and dragons, but the idea wasn't coming together the way I wanted. I will warn everyone now, I am not the best writer or the quickest to update so please bear with me and let me know what you think of my story please. Thank you and enjoy! Oh, I think I got most of the spelling errors to.


                                                  ~75 Years Ago, 1938~

     "Get this house shut down immediately! I don't care what you have to do, board up the windows, seal the doors, just get it done!" The mayor wiped his sweaty brow as he descended down the stairs, his hands covered in blood.

"Yes sir!" The police squad saluted in unison, and all the doors in the house suddenly shut by themselves, while the windows were opening and closing in a frantic motion.

"Get the priest, get the priest!" The mayor ducked down by the rose bushes, cowering behind his handkerchief, which was coated in blood.

Something small and shiny fell out of his pocket, and into the rose bushes, being concealed by the rose petals on the ground.

"Father John! Please hurry, this way!" A young male police officer pulled the priest towards the vile, dark mansion, while the priest shuffled through bible pages that were rapidly falling out of the book.

"Ah- Yes! I found it!" The priest pulled out a piece of paper with recognizable words written on both sides. "Stand clear men!" He ordered, pushing his glasses up his nose, and looking down at the paper, clearing his throat.

"Sancte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio contra nequítiam et insídias diáboli esto præsídium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, princeps milítiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in mundo, divína virtúte, In inférnum detrude. Amen!" The priest shouted at the house in Latin, but once he did everything seemed to get ten times worse.

The windows shattered into thousands of tiny little specs, flying at the innocent bystanders, and the doors were torn from their hinges and flew at the priest, hitting him with an unbelievable unearthly force.

His body flew into the air, along with multiple bible pages, and he fell to the ground, limp and bloody.

The same young police officer gawked at the horrific sight, and ran to the priest. "Father John! Father John!" He screamed, falling down to his hands and knees in front of the fallen priest.

With no response, the young police officer put two fingers on the priest’s neck and cursed. "He's dead! And his neck and spine are most likely broken!" He called out, while other squad members quickly picked up the body and brought it to the lawn to gently lay him down.

The spot where the priest lay was covered in his blood, but the outline of a body was seen, with the words 'I win' written with blood alongside the outlined body.

"Damn it! Damn it! damn it! damn it!" The chief of police slammed his car door, and ran over to the mayor.

"We must evacuate immediately! Everyone go! go! go!" The mayor grabbed the chief of police's hand and they ran over to his car, and quickly sped off.

The young police officer got off the ground and looked at the dead priest on the lawn.

The remaining squad officers swung his body around their shoulders and took off into their own car.

The young police officer cursed, and looked toward where the front door was supposed to be, and saw a dark figure standing there.

The young police officer's blood ran cold, and he stumbled back into his car, turning the sirens on and speeding off.

"Dad, slow down!" He heard a little boy's voice yell from the back, and the young police officer looked back in surprise.

"David what did I tell you about sneaking in the back?! Oh God so help me when we get home David!" The young police officer swerved at the corner of the street. "What did you see?!"

"Dad I didn't-"

"What did you see?!"

"Everything..." David, the young boy, sighed.

"David!" The young police officer barked at the boy, and the boy shrunk back into the seat.

"I am old enough to watch Nosferatu!" The little boy countered, shaking slightly. Although he was putting on a brave face, he felt fear take hold of him, and he regretted seeing everything from the shattering windows, the dead priest and the black shadow that resembled a human body... Out of all, the black shadow scared him the most.

"Your only 11 David! You’re too young to see these kinds of things! Now not another word out of you, you’re in enough trouble as it is!"

David instantly shut up, but the images he saw that day would stay with him forever, until...

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