Naruto had many secrets but one he kept hidden from everyone. Including those closet to him. And it was this secret that was about to get out.
Naruto had a hard day of training. Then doing D-ranks. The training was on his own not team since Kakashi didn't teach them much of anything really. He was a nice guy but the laziest man Naruto had ever met. The Nara's were better than him and that was saying something.
So he was sore. He was going home to drop off his weapons and then leave. But when he got there he just face palmed.
His once semi liveable apartment had been reduced to rubble. Naruto shighed and made five clones.
"Three of you help me shift through this for anything salvageable. And two of you go to work. Tell them I got held up but you'll do the work they need." said Naruto sending them off
The three clones and Naruto shifted through the rubble. There wasn't much left. When he left it was late evening.
He came to a building near the Orphanage. He went inside and the woman was pissed. She snapped, "I'm not a damn babysitter Uzumaki. I am paid to watch them till five then your to come get them. Not at fucking 11 at night."
"I know and I'm sorry. I ran into a problem. And i am so sorry for the inconvenience." said Naruto who pulled out the money he had selected for her, "Extra for keeping him longer than supposed to."
She took it and Naruto took the toddler. He left and knew it was bad. He hadn't been homeless in years. He knew he had been fed as she had been cleaning up the food when he came in.
'What am I gonna do now? Were homeless and its getting colder. Not the best time for this. Its gonna start snowing soon.' thought Naruto
No sooner had those words left his mental lips then the heavens opened and snow started to fall.
Naruto looked up and said, "Really? Do you enjoy placing obstacles in my way and making bad situations worse? Do you enjoy my pain that much?"
Naruto sighed and felt the temperature drop lower as he walked. Naruto saw the light and sent a silent thank you up. He went into the Akimichi BBQ and placed the toddler on a booth to sleep. He was blowing on his hands when Choji came out having heard the door.
"Sorry...Naruto!" said Choji shocked
Naruto said, "Hey man. And I'm sorry i know your probably closing up. But do you mind me staying a lil while? Its freezing out there right now and just started snowing rather hard."
Choza saw him and said, "Not at all Naruto. I got some left overs if your hungry."
Naruto smiled and gave a nod as he said, "Thanks sir."
Choza loaded up a plate and Choji brought it over with a large mug of hit chocolate he had made for his frozen friend.
Naruto had sat on the oposite side as the boy. Choji had put it all down and saw the kid and then looked at Naruto. He said, "Oh we have to talk."
He pulled up a chair and said, "First whose the little guy?"
Naruto said, "Minato Uzumaki. Nato's my son. He's one."
Naruto had drank the chocolate and almost moaned cause it felt good. Choji chuckled at his reaction but nothing more. To hear his friend had a child was a shock.
Choji said, "Where's his mom at home?"
Naruto said, "She bailed on us after he was born. She didn't wanna be associated with me anymore."
Choji snorted and said, "Bitch. Good she would've made a horrible mother."
Naruto looked at him weird and Choji said, "Mom says any woman who willing brings a child into this world and then abandons them for selfish reasons would make a horrible mother. That they don't deserve their child in the first place. That was a selfish reason so she's a horrible mother."
Naruto said, "Your mother Choji is a wise woman. You can tell her I said so man."
Choji nodded and said, "So were you two on your way home?"
"Actually I am right now trying to decide where to go. My landlord decided he was tired of me living in my building. Since i was his only tenant he demoed the building. I got home at four thirty to my place being rubble. Ao right now were homeless. If it was summer it wouldn't be a problem. Couple weeks on the street isn't a big deal but in winter is a death sentence for both of us." said Naruto who rubbed his temples, "I didn't need this today i really didn't."
Choji felt for his friend. He really did. He knew how hard Naruto worked. He knew Naruto held down civilian jobs on top of his Shinobi one. And still barely made ends meat. He felt horrid for the boy.
Choji got up and said, "Give me five minutes and i might have a place for you to stay."
He ran into the back. Naruto chuckled at his friend and tucked into his food. Choji ran into his dad's office.
Choza said, "Choji what is the matter?"
"Call Inoichi-oji dad. Ask if the apartment he had is still available." said Choji
Choza was confused but did as he asked and said, "Hey Inoichi i know its late but Choji wants to know if your apartment is still available."
Choza looked at Choji and said, "He says yes. Why you asking?"
"Will he allow Naruto to live there? He's lost his place the landlord demoed the building." said Choji
Choza relayed it and said, "He says yeah. Go tell him to stop by the flower shop and he'll take him up."
Choji said, "Thanks dad, Inoichi-oji."
Choji ran out and went over to Naruto who was done with his meal and said, "Come on I found you a place."
Naruto was shocked and got up and went to leave money when Choza came out and said, "It's ok Naruto. Its on the house. You saved me from throwing it all out."
Naruto bowed and said, "Thank you sir."
Naruto put his coat on and then lifted Minato up. Choza was shocked and said, "Babysitting?"
Naruto smiled and said, "No sir. This is Minato."
Choji said, "He's a year old and Naruto's son."
That shocked Choza who said, "Your twelve years old Naruto."
"I know sir. But things happen." said Naruto, "Apparently being what I am made it so birth control didn't work. And i meant being an Uzumaki not being a Jinchuriki sir. We're more potent then non uzu men."
Choza said, "Wow. Where's his mom? On a mission or at her parents place waiting for you?"
"Neither dad. She bailed on him. She couldn't handle being with him anymore." said Choji, "She was a bad mom in ma's book."
"Yeah she was. And I'm sure your parent's would be estatic to be grandparents even if you are too young kiddo. And I'm proud of you. You managed to raise a child and gain ninja status at the same time." said Choza patting his shoulder, "You need help just come ask."
Naruto smiled and had to fight those tears and said, "Yes sir thank you."

FanfictionNaruto has secrets. What happens when people find them out? How will this change things?