Part 1 of 3: The Stress That Needs Medicine

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The day had finally come to an end, and the moon was glaring down on the cold and foggy streets of London once again, with the rays of pale moonlight brightening what it could reach. And from the high rooftops of the whole city, you could look upon quite the sight to behold:

The Society For Arcane Sciences!

It was definitely an impressive and huge building, to say the least, with many chimneys and windows decorating it, a large telescope and a strange windmill in the back. It was as if the respectability of the place was pushed to the forefront, and the madness of it all kept in the back. It just seemed designed to hold the world's greatest 'rogue' scientists in it: a home and a haven for them all.

But for one gentleman of science: Dr Henry Jekyll, it was his duty to both protect his fellow scientists and remain the respectful and kind gentleman that was the face of the entire society. Though he may have you believe he is the most sane of all of them, you could not be further from the put it bluntly, he has his own demon that has been haunting him, playing with him and making him show his 'true colours' to him, and him alone for a very long time now.

Both mentally, and physically.

At this very moment, the doctor was in his office at the center of the establishment, his tired eyes focused on a letter of quite some importance: an apology letter for an attack that had occurred recently which had caused a lot of property damage down a whole street. The doctor's mind was stressed, and his body exhausted from all the errands he had graciously obliged to do for others, not to mention keeping up this whole charade with a smile that to him, never felt genuine in the slightest.

'It is for the greater good of everyone living here, not just for my own sake.' Jekyll reminded himself, as if by saying it over and over again it would somehow make everything instantly alright again.

But suddenly, the brunette could sense a strange and familiar light, fade into the room from behind him.

It was him.

"What are you writing there, doctor~?" A slightly distorted and devilish voice whispered into his right ear, clearly surprising the gentleman as he nearly jumped out of his seat from hearing the other's voice, disturbing his work and nearly making him muck it all up and have to do it.

All. Over. Again.

"Nothing to do with you." Jekyll answered simply, with as strong and as calm a tone as he could be able to muster up with his counterpart's face right next to his, his sinister lips mere meters from his ear, and Jekyll did not dare to even look the other's way and simply continued on writing.

But as he did though...he heard a sudden and hot sigh coming from his right.

It made the brunette noticeably feel shivers rush up and down his spine at the cold breath that made contact with his heated ear and blew a few strands of hair out of place. But he just figuratively pushed the annoyance below the surface as the inked quill's end signed the bottom of his letter with his name, efficently sealing it in an envelope, and then finally placing it to the side on his fancy desk to be sent away the next day, if possible.

Henry breathed a sigh of pleasant relief and slowly rested his back on the back of his comfy chair, with his hands that were entertwined together, resting on the desk as he looked over his small quarters.

There was a tall and fancy door at the front of the room, with a well furnished sofa to it's left while a strange and mysterious mirror was to it's right. Behind the doctor's desk were blood red curtains covering the windows, that created a hellish cover over the entire room, and in front of that were the cabinets where his old ingredients and potions remained safe and sound in storage.

Jekyll had not dared himself to used any of them in such a long time.

There wasn't even that much light filling the doctor's room, aside from the small and warm lamp on one of the corners of his desk, along and Mr Hyde's body that was radiating some kind of ethereal glow from behind the other man's chair, creating two eerie pitch black shadows that painted the ground before them both like ink on paper.

A few minutes passed by as his dreary red eyes began to feel like hard stone, slowly closing like two little doors that sealed the way between reality, and Dr Jekyll's crimson irises, trapping him in his own tormented mind till the very moment he awoke, as he hoped to whatever god would listen, that he would get the rest he so desperately desired.


(Hyde's POV)

I moved away from Jekyll's side, and back into the cabinet's glass where I waited silently, but did not leave him right away, for I saw and felt the stress that the poor doctor was going through at the time. I might have even felt some form of pity towards his situation...might.

From where the first third of my body floated upside down in the large right hand cabinet, I could see the rest of it was painting the glass like a twisted and surreal piece of art, that flowed like water under a bridge through the remaining two cabinets, pieces of my body dripping as if I were not solid and just barely keeping myself together. I actually kinda liked this look I had going, gave me a look that was my own and was something that instilled fear in many.


My ears picked up the loud noise, my eyes of emerald suddenly darting over to see where the noise had come from, and the first thing I saw was Jekyll's brown hair, that fitted on his head perfectly, now resting on his desk at a slightly tilted angle.

I raised one of my eyebrows in curiosity at such a sight.

He seemed to not be awake, and the letter he had been writing for a while was now sealed nicely in an envelope to the side on the desk.

'Did he just suddenly drop dead?' I thought in honest bewilderment, but I could still sense a heartbeat, so that clearly wasn't it.

"Jekyll?" I muttered quietly as I once again hovered closer to the sleeping man's side, till my backside was seated on the corner of the doctor's desk, sitting on the left side of him with one leg over the other as I analyzed Jekyll's peaceful features. Some strands of his hair were brushing over his closed eyes, his face having slight colour in it that shined thanks to the light seeping off my form and making him look more handsome than he had any bloody right to be.

'Hmm...I wonder what he's dreaming about?' I thought to myself as I quickly licked my lips at the ideas circulating through my mind. Until I came to a sudden realization, and a rush of boiling anger circulated through my very spirit at what I thought next.

'He's taking a nap? While i'm here?!'

My brows furrowed low with irritation at the thought of my tired counterpart taking to sleep over me! My sharp, shark-like teeth gritted and I could feel my body begin to fade into a crimson red of rage all the way upto my torso as the thought digged deeper and deeper into my mind...till a sudden idea popped up like a little dangerous firework in the sky.

A glimmer of mischief coloured my face at the thought: a way to make poor little doctor Jekyll's stress and worries fly away like birds, that I would shoot out of the sky the second they came into view. I grinned widely from ear to ear, and my eyes gleamed with excitement that I wouldn't dare hold back once the time came to play.

'Don't worry your pretty little head, Jekyll~ I'll be with you in just a moment~'


And that was just the first part of this strange fic of insanity! ;)

Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comment box below, before you go.


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