How I Met Him

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Tomorrow was the day I was really nervous it was going to be a new school a lot of new faces I was finally going to be in high school. I had to pick out what to wear so my best friend Catalina was coming over and she was going to spend the night. We had dinner and talked did I mention our school was like 2 minutes away from my house lol. It was the next morning we ate breakfast got ready and started walking to school. We were so nervous but excited. We met up with our friends saw what classes we had. We all went our ways and said we would meet up for lunch. I was walking with Catalina we had most of the same classes when we turned to go to class we saw this guy that stood out from the rest he was so cute and looked like a skater we texted about him all during class and it was finally lunch time and OMG there he was.

Cute but he seemed a bit older we asked some of our friends about him and he was indeed in a relationship and 2 years older than us. But looking at him wouldn't hurt anyone right for days Catalina myself and some of our friends looked at this guy we finally found out his name and it was Beau. Catalina and I decided to call him BoBo so no one knew we were talking about him lol. While in class Algebra Ahhh I hate math Catalina and I sit next to each other. Today our teacher decided he was going to assign us a project with another partner. So Catalina and I turned to each other very quickly as we knew we would be working with each other. Then the teacher said he would be choosing our partners we were bummed. I got Ofelia as a partner she was nice I've talked to her a few times. Catalina in the other hand got a boy named James. We both didn't know anything about him just that he was a bit younger than us lol. I looked at Catalina and wished her luck as we got our stuff to go with our partners. The bell rang Catalina came up to me and said James was a funny guy and they exchanged numbers so they can continue talking about the project. We were walking to meet our friends to go eat lunch as I look up and I see this boy he was far away.

Something about him and to remind you he was far away as I turned to talk to one of my friends I turned back and he was gone I thought to myself maybe it was just in my imagination lol a couple days went by and I hardly hung out with Catalina after school since we both have been busy doing our math project. As I'm starting to think she has a crunch on James but she doesn't want to tell. We were in math class Catalina and I still sit next to each other but James had moved to the table behind us and next to him was a lonely chair. We were 10 minutes into class when someone opens the door so the whole class turned to the door and here was this guy and my heart started racing it was the same guy that I saw from afar. My teacher then said James raise your hand. Then he told the guy to go sit next to James ahhh which means he would be sitting behind me I then smiled at Catalina and whispered to her that's the guy I saw and she then smiled back. As the guy was walking passed me I looked up and he smiled at me as I smiled back :D. He sat down next to James they started talking like they knew each other. Catalina turned and asked James if he knew him and James said yeah. I was so nervous my palms were already starting to sweat. Should I turn around and talk to him. I turned around as soon as I was going to say hi and talk to him. my teacher calls me to go to his desk my luck right I guess it's not the time to talk to him.

I went back to my desk we had a test so we had to be quiet. The bell rang as Catalina and I walked out of class James came up to us and asked Catalina if she wanted to go have lunch with him I told her to go ahead not to hold back cause of me as I was walking up to the cafeteria I head someone yell my name my heart started racing I got excited could it be the new boy from class as I turned around I saw my friend. It wasn't the guy from class. I thought to myself well maybe he didn't like me or didn't care to talk to me. The bell rang and we all went to class. It was already the end of school I met up with Catalina we were gonna walk to my house as we were crossing the street we saw James he came up to us and started talking to us. I asked him what was his friends name the one from math class and he started laughing I asked him whats so funny and he said nothing nothing his name is Jai. He then said he had to go so Catalina and I continued to walk to my house. The next day at school I wanted to talk to Jai I hope I had the chance too. There he was I got the courage to talk to him. I went up to him as I noticed he had a lip ring I don't remember him having it yesterday. So I said hey Jai how are you? He looked at me like I was crazy and said do I know you? I felt really stupid as I said oh no sorry and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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