Chapter One
I have a secret. But it's only fair if I keep it to myself. See, if I told my secret it could jeprodize the band. And that's just not fair to the others. I'll give you a hint about what it is; I've fallen for one of my fellow band members. But, in my opinion it's pretty hard to not fall for him. Tall, sturdy built, curly hair, blue eyes, lopsided smile, adorable laugh, I mean come one! Who wouldn't love him! Yeah, but you've probably already guessed. I'm in love with Jay. Me, Baby Nathan. I wonder what the fans would say if they knew. I wonder what the band would say if they knew. I wonder what Jay would say if he knew!
"If I knew what?" I hear a (beautiful) voice ask. Shit, did I say that out loud? When'd he get in here? Think fast, Nathan, think fast!
"That I... ate... Tia's food," I mentally slap myself. What a lame lie, I would laugh if I wasn't so nervous and I was sure it would come up as a barf.
"Come on, mate. I know when you're lying, just tell me," he smiled. Caught in the act! Damn. Distraction, I need a distraction.
Suddenly Max pops his head through the door giving me my silent wish, "Oh, there you guys are, I just need to tell you that we could only get three hotel rooms for the next two days, so I'm sharing with Tom and you two can share a room aswell. Oh and Jay, I need your help over here real quick," he said in a rush, as if he was told to say it and he wanted to say it before he forgot.
While walking out with Max Jay gave me a 'this-isn't-over-yet' look, which made me groan in displeasure. I can't tell him! It would ruin us, the band, everything! Maybe I could lie again. No, that won't work, like he said he can tell when I'm lying. And I'm going to have to share a bedroom with him two nights in a row?! How am I going to survive?! I face palmed myself while falling to the floor. Sometimes I think the world is just plotting against me.
*Siva's POV*
The first time I found out Nathan was head over heels for Jay? I think it was about a week ago. Nathan doesn't know I know, and Jay doesn't know what Nathan doesn't know I know. That's why I've devised a plan. I was the one that was supposed to get the five hotel rooms for us but I got three on purpose, so Jay and Nath can share, surley Nath will crack and go out and tell him. Jay doesn't know it but he cares deeply for Nathan, always hugging him longer than needed to, letting his touch linger. The funny thing is; he doesn't relise he does those little things of affection. He just needs a boost, and that's going to be Nathan.
Max and Jay come into my room, I got Max to break the news to the boys that they'll be sharing a hotel room, although he doesn't know Nath's secret.
"Hey, Seev need help with something?" Jay asked while looking at me throught the mirror, as I had my back to him. I turned in my spin chair so I could talk to him, don't want to seem rude now do I?
"Hahaha, I feel like you should be stroking a cat, while say 'Fluffy and I have been waiting for you'," he laughed using a deep impersonating voice. I laughed along. Wouldn't want him to suspect anything. I'm so evil, in a good way!
*In the taxi, Jay's POV*
Well, we're headed to the hotel now, can't wait! It feels unreal when we preform, like nothing can hurt us, perfect! And it's even better to be singing with four amazing lads. Max, Tom, Siva and Nathan. Ahh, Nathan, I gotta say out of all of them I connect with him the most, he's the closest to my age too. I turn to look at him to see him already looking at me, I give him a big ol' grin.
*Nathan's POV*
Is staring at someone known as weird? Oh no, he's returning my look! Oh good, he doesn't seem like he knows I've been staring. Wait. Why'd he have to smile at me like that?! I might just burst right now! I have to do something. I smile back and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing. Max then looks at me talking football. Has he been talking all this time?
"Oi, Nath, got a fever?" Max asked looking a bit concerned. He probably thinks I'm sick because my face is most probably resembling a tomato.
"I'm fine, heh, it's nothing," I smile at him, giving him reasurence that I'm okay. I don't know why they worry about me, maybe because I'm the youngest of the group, 'Baby Nath' they call me. I scoff to myself, I'm eighteen and still considered a baby. Well, it's nice to be noticed I guess. Oh look, we're here. Suddenly I'm taken back to the real world, shit, I'm gonna be bunking with Jay. I hope I don't blow anything! I hope he forgot about today's earlier's conversation, he seemed to want to know what was up, maybe if I look all cheery for the rest of the day he'll leave it. I get out of the taxi, Siva gives me a small smile. He looks like he's up to something... oh well. I smile back.
*Siva's POV*
Truly evil.