I'm a hard worker, patient and don't have much.
I'm thankful to God just to have enough.
Honestly I do want more.
I don't want to work though, work is a chore.
I've taken up a hobby, photography to work on composition.
Its fun and honestly I think this is what I've been missing.
The cameras great and I've been on kr.com, I hope get better for it.
I only have the kit lens.
I need a new lens this ones cheap.
I think about the profits the investment could reap.
I get another lens, the pictures are beautiful and great
But i cant see the colors on the camera screen unless I'm in the shade
I want to get a new camera so it will be more convenient.
I'm usually strict with money but I've been saving so I can be a bit lenient.
I just got it in the mail, it has that
Brand new smell.I can't mount the lens. the cameras a
Different brand but it looks the same as the others, I couldn't tell.I received a new lens that fits the camera but its not as good as the last one I bought.
I've found one though that is rated higher on amazon and its cheaper! That comes as a shock.
I got this new lens, my fourth lens.
But in the box it says it best performs
With an professional camera system.This new system, my new lens, I can take all the pictures I've ever dreamed of with them.
In the mail comes my new camera with a lens I already had.
I invested the extra money for the set,
Made me feel bad.At this point I was point I was spending money I didn't even have.
I have all this equipment but I'm no better and that makes me mad.
I read this lens might perform better with a nd filter for the thread.
I also need new batteries, my camera keeps going dead.
The nd filter was highly rated
I should have read that one negative review because in my opinion it should be highly hated.
Ill just buy a new one, this one.
It has the top reviews.It doesnt work Why do people endorse these products when they don't exercise their intended use.
I'll get the most expensive one, I guess you get what you pay for.
I don't have anymore money, I'll just have to get a job. Its the only way I can get more.
I'm spending more than I have and what I have is never fulfilling.
Photography isn't really my thing anymore only buying will give me that good feeling.
Im trying to get this new camera, I wonder if having it will open some doors.
Id get a better job so I can get it faster but that would only be an chore.
PoetryA poem that parallels the slow decline into debt and gear acquisition syndrome.