Part Two. Politics.

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Well, here it is.  The thing I consistently discuss with all of my peers cause we're just that cool.  You may be asking, "Well gaulee, what type of politics are you talkin' on about, Sam?" And my answer is brilliant.  Just joking.  It's mediocre.

Politics are overrated.  Not philosophical politics or starving children politics or violent media makes kids violent politics or sexuality politics, but the original politics.  Black vs. White, one part vs. another.  What I'm talking about here is the almighty, the everlasting... THE OVERRULING...

Democrats and Republicans (or whatever else term one pointlessly labels themselves with or whatever)

So, let's start with a question that I get asked all the time.  "Hey, Sam, which political party are you?" Every time I get asked that I try to change the subject, and if I can't, I say I don't have one.  Most of the time it's answered with "So you're independent." 

Okay, bud, I see what we're doin' here.  You're tryin' to reel me in, aren't yah?  Eff off.  Independent.  Definition via duckduckgo cause I'm a frickin' hipster like that.  One who does not align themselves with a political party. 

Well, isn't that a political party?  What?  This is a paradox now.  That's why I don't like it.  Being an independent means you're not in a political party by announcing you're in a political party.  It's stupid.  So, that's out of the way.  Totally related is that people do the following all the time. 

"Well, I'm a (insert party here) and the opposing party is stupid."  Well, why?  Is it because that the opposing party doesn't agree with you?  If that's the case, then you're an idiot.  That's like saying, "You believe in a different religion than me, even though they both look at the SAME EXACT OUTCOME but get there in different ways, so therefore I deem you stupid."  What if they joined that party because they liked one thing that yours didn't have but didn't know their party had what you dislike.  Whatever.  Fine.  Be it that way.  But, in the end, who gives a rats butt if someone is from another party.  I sure don't.  Cause I like some republicans and some democrats.  Judging someone, especially a candidate for anything ever, just by their party is absolutely idiotic.  It's what they do.  Just because they're in a party doesn't mean they are a good or bad person, a good or bad candidate for whatever they're running for, and it especially doesn't mean you shouldn't vote for them.  But whatever.  I can't sway people's opinions. They decide that.  ONTO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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