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Whale has updated his status to: -_________________-

Hermione: what even?

Ron: how did this whale get a Facebook

Patrick: have you seen spongebob?

Harry:.....da fuq?.......

Percy: I've seemed to have lost Camp Half-Blood. Can you help me find it?

Harry: AHHH!!!

Edward: I used to be Cedric....


Harry: that's what I wanted to tell you ever since I saw you

Cho: *cries in a corner*

Ginny: it's fine Cho, ya didn't miss out on much

Harry: *cries in a corner*

Patrick: still can't find SpongeBob

Percy: Where's Camp Half-Blood?

Whale: -_____________-

Edward: will any of you be my friend?

Percy: on second thought, I'll just find Camp Half-Blood on my own...

Perseus Jackson has logged off

Patrick: OH!! There's SpongeBob...

Patrick has logged off

Edward: hbu whale?

Whale: 0__________0

Whale has logged off

Edward: *cries in a corner*

Cho & Harry: GO AWAY

Edward: *jumps off a cliff*

Everyone: YAY

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