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She was standing there, waiting for her Father. He was always the loving type, ever since the girl's Mother had passed away when she was two. They lived in a big house, Victorian styled, but it had a history. Two people had been murdered in it, not that it had phased the Father's thoughts when he bought it. The girl smiled as she saw her Father returning from his gardening job, but frowned when she saw a young boy following him. The girl was only seventeen, the boy with her Father no more then eleven.

"Daddy, who's this?" The girl spoke with a light British accent she gained from her Father. Her Father put a hand on the boy's back and said, "This is Xander. He will be staying with us for a while. I have taken him in as my helper." The boy, Xander, smiled a sickly sour smile at her. The boy had red hair, he was short, and annoying the hell out of the girl. Yet, she just continued to turn and walk into her house.

*Three weeks later*

The girl had grown accostumed to Xander to living with them. She was okay with the fact she, the only child of her family, wasn't the only child in the house. Yet, the poor girl kept having nightmares... She couldn't explain them, all she knew was that every night she had them. She would dream of a woman and man running from something... The next night it would show a glimpse of shadow that seemed to be the one chasing the couple. From there on the girl's dreams became worse. She couldn't understand why she had these dreams, no they weren't dreams they were nightmares. Then the one nightmare came and she couldn't get it out of her mind. In the nightmare she saw the same things she usually did, it seemed to be like a movie but she got only glimpses every night. The couple was running, the woman then falls to the floor with a hole straight through her head, and then the man turns to see what has killed his wife and the only glimpse the girl got was a small shadow with a sling-shot in hand. He saw a round, shiny object in the shadows other hand. It was an iron ball, no bigger then a small bouncy ball. The shadow was given a little light to it, yet the girl couldn't see anything. Then all she hears is, "Todd? Todd... Todd!" The voice a child's voice and it sounded like it was testing the name of the man. Seeing if the name fit, or almost as if the child was playing hide and go seek and he was looking for the couple almost. "Demon Child! Spawn of the devil! Leave now! Leave now you eternally damned demon child!" She heard the man, Todd, yell at the Demon Child. The girl heard the Demon Child give grunt and small disappointed sigh. Then the man was sturck dead, with the same fatal wound as his wife. The girl always jerks up right in her bed at this point, scared of what she might see next.

It was later that same day when she was alone in her old, haunted house as she liked to call it. She was in the sitting room, reading, when the light's flickered. She got up and made her way to a window to see if a storm was coming. She saw only the sunshine. The light's flickered onand off, on and off, on and off, and back on. Then the light's flickered off entirely. Then, a dim single light shone down on the full body mirror in the sitting room. She walked to the mirror and saw a small shadow. Like the shadow of a child. She began to back up.

"Kate? Kate... Kate!" She heard the same childish voice in her nightmares. She got scared, and she turned to walk towards the front door when it opened. The light's flicked on suddenly when her Father and Xander stepped through the door. Xander had a scowl on his face and the girl, Kate, ran to her Father.

"Daddy, something terrifying just happened... I'm scared." She whimpered to her Father. He hugged his daughter and was walking her to the kitchen to talk about it when Xander spoke up, "Don't leave me. Don't walk away from me. Do not ignore me." When the pair turned to look at him he had a devilish look on his face. Kate's eyed trailed to his left hand, which held a sling-shot. Her eyes trailed to his right hand, which held a small iron ball. Kate pieced the puzzle together. The man, Todd, had shouted out Demon Child and ws killed by a iron ball through the head. This was the Demon Child. Kate had done some research, the book she was reading was from the town library. It had a record of every death and how the person had passed away. She found a Todd Hemingway , married to Maryanne Hemingway, lived on 362 Beotur Street, cause of death hole straight through his head, murderer unknown, killing weapon iron ball and sling-shot both found laying near both bodies. Kate lived at 362 Beotur Street, she knew Todd Hemingway was the man in her dreams. Todd must have found out something in the house, an angry spirit perhaps. Kate didn't believe it was an angry spirit, this was a demon. A demon straight from Hell.

"Demon child! You killed that man and woman! Daddy we need to leave, NOW!" Kate urged her Father to leave. Kate ran to the kitchen and heard a plunk. She turned to see a hole through her Father's skull. She grabbed her necklace, which had a Cross on it and yanked it off. Holding it tight she prayed. If she were to die tonight, atleast she knew where she would go. "Get away from me Demon!" Kate screamed this at the Demon, yet to no avail. She knew she was not going to make it.

"I told you, don't walk away from me." The Demon Child had a killing look in his eyes. Kate screamed as he lifted his sling-shot...

I woke up, panting. It was all a dream. Glancing at the clock which said 2:30am. I'm afraid to go to sleep, scared of what my brain's imagination might come up with if Kate dies. For once, I do not want to sleep. For once, I am scared of my dreams to a point where I cannot sleep. I am scared of my dream, no my nightmare. Maybe the zombie children in Resident Evil: Apocolypse didn't help my dreams. Oh, and if you're reading this.... This really happened to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2011 ⏰

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