How it Started

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"Cipher your lucky we're giving you a choice after that little stunt you pulled with trying to start Weirdmaggedon."
"Yeah yeah just give me the two options." The annoyed triangle said.
"Fine fine. You can either spend the rest of your eternity as you are now, in this weak powerless state. Or you can choose to become a guardian of the very thing you tried to destroy, a human. And maybe if you behave and fulfill your duty properly you could be allowed portions of your power back over time." Time baby spoke.
"Obviously I choose the second option I'm not an idiot, but at least tell me who I'll be 'guarding' for the next, what century?"
"It is decided then, from now on you'll be the guardian of the child known as Dipper Pines."
"Wait what! You mean I'm stuck babysitting that-" Bill was cut short as Time Baby teleported Bill back to earth.
"Um sir are you sure that's a good idea? I mean Bill is still a demon after all." One of time babys guards asked.
"Of course besides Bill has no power in that state and if you remember that child already has some experience with Bill, I'm sure it'll be fine." Time baby replied taking a sip from his bottle.

A Demon turned Guardian (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now