Say It With Flowers

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Ben knelt on the blue velvet across from Jane. Her beautiful blond hair shone in the basement’s fluorescent lights and her eyes were the brightest blue, nearly the color of the drape they both knelt on.

Just like the man told him, he had his Mom’s favorite flowers laid between them. He’d found a couple of razor blades in Dad’s bathroom and stolen some safety pins from Sissy’s jacket. They were arrayed around the flowers.

With trembling fingers, he took one of the razors and made the first cut. The blade went through the skin easily enough. Blood welled up, but not as much as he thought. He used the pins to hold the flap of skin back from the wound.

Jane struggled against the zip ties and squealed through the ball gag he’d found in Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom.

He shushed her with a hand. “This’ll be over in just a little while.” He lifted one of the beautiful white buds and dipped the tips into the shallow wound. When he was finished, each of the six flowers had been dressed prettily in crimson.

Jane’s eyes had rolled back in her head. She wasn’t making any more noise, but her breath was coming in ragged gasps around the red rubber.

She wouldn’t be able to appreciate his gift quite yet, but she would wake up soon. When she did, she’d understand the level of devotion he had for her. He gingerly grasped the second razor and made an incision across his own stomach. It stung worse than he thought. He could see why Jane made so much noise.

As each pin pierced his flesh, he hissed. Soon he had a matching two inch patch of raw flesh showing. He retrieved each flower and swirled their tips against the wound. The intimate fluids mingled, and he thought he could feel their joining.

Satisfied that he had done everything just as he’d been told, he waited for his new bride to awake. Part of his mind nagged at him. What if it didn’t work? What if he still terrified her? “Well there’s always Susan.” He touched the nearby hatchet, ready to put it to use if the girl rejected him yet again.


This is part of the Horror Smachdown. Hit the external link to read the other stories.

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