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The sun was beating through the white curtains that covered the window. Slowly, I opened my eyes, looking over at my alarm clock to check the time. Six o'clock. I still had a half hour before I had to get up and get ready for work. I closed my eyes again, hoping to catch just a little bit more sleep.

"Riley, breakfast is ready," Matt said as he plopped down on the bed, making the whole bed move. I groaned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I'll be down in a few," I told him as I slid out of bed. He nodded, leaving the room. I grabbed a fresh pair of black slacks and a blue floral printed shirt before heading to the bathroom to shower. I turned the water on as I undressed. I closed my eyes as I let the water beat down on my face. I had been so drained lately, but I knew that it would all be worth it in the end.

Since Matt and I had moved to North Carolina, I had started my studies at Warren Wilson in Asheville. Asheville was a cute little town that had everything you needed. It had more local places than it did brand name stores, and I love it. I was all about the locals getting the business. Asheville was a college town, so it had all the places a college kid could dream of.

After starting at Warren Wilson, I had got a job at a small store that sold items for tourists. It was a nice job, and it helped pay the bills. Matt had finished his degree, and it was easy for him to get a teachers helper position to start off. It didn't take long for the local high school to offer him a full time position as a math teacher. Matt loved his job. He loved working with kids and actually being able to help them versus what he went through in school. The teachers at our high school didn't care. They wouldn't help you; they just expected you to be able to memorize everything and pass.

I hadn't been at the tourist shop for more than a month when one of my professors told me about an internship at the local police department. My professor loved me and had put in a good word for me. Luckily it was paid, so it wasn't a hard decision to make. I had classes on Tuesdays and Thursday's, leaving me to work every other day. The schedule was so weird and it wasn't something I was use to. Sometimes I would work weeks in a row before getting a day off, but when I finally got a day off, it was a few in a row. It was hard to balance school and work, but I knew it would be worth it in the end.

As I finished up my shower, I dried off and got dressed. I went back into the bedroom and looked at my phone.

One missed call from Emmy

I decided to call her back, even though I knew Matt would throw a fit for taking so long.

"Good morning, beautiful," Emmy sang on the other end.

"Good morning," I replied. Emmy and I kept our promise to each other and talked every day. She had been in Paris studying and decided she loved it so much she wanted to stay there.

"I'm coming home," she said, catching me off guard.

"Like moving home or visiting home?" I asked.

"I'm moving back home. It's been great here in Paris, but I need to be back with my family. Plus, I'll just be closer to you." I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Well, you'll have to come visit! We do have an extra bedroom just for you," I joked. She chuckled on the other end. "Shouldn't you be sleeping? Isn't it like midnight or something?"

"It's actually noon. You would think after all these years you would know the time difference," she said.

"I never really cared enough to pay attention," I said, being honest. It was true. If Emmy had time, she would call. I never needed to know what time it was.

"Soon we won't have this problem, but I have to go. I'll be home in a few weeks though! I love you," she said, making a kiss noise. I chuckled.

"I love you too, Em," and with that we hung up. I slowly made my way down to the kitchen, ignoring the look Matt was giving me as I made coffee.

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