Chapter 1: Only the beginning

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I guess you could say I was an average girl. Just like everyone else, I went to high school. I got a diploma and spent a few years in college. I'm an average young woman, 23 years old, and I work on the police force. Since I had good observation skills I had been promoted to a detective after a half a year working at the presinct.  I don't really don't really share my thoughts with anyone unless it's my advisor. I don't really have many friends at the station, I keep to myself. I'm just average. I'm a very bland female, not particularly pretty but not ugly either. I had done straight auburn hair with black streaks that hung to my mid back. My eyes were a hazy emerald green and my pale skin was covered with freckles. My body build was average, not too skinny and not too curvy. But I had form where it was required.  I wore thick framed glasses over my eyes. My appearance was never really appealing, always plain. I'm just plain ol' me. 


The morning sun is cruel, just as my alarm clock. 7:00 in the morning, sometimes I just wish morning never existed. My sleep schedule is completely out of wack. I sigh to myself, turning off my alarm and getting out of bed. Just then my cellphone starts ringing, I groan picking it up. "Hello?" 

My advisor replies. "Natalie! We got stuff going on down at the station. Officer Green was murdered last night. Get down here asap!" 

I reply quickly. "Got it boss." Then I hung up.

 I go over and stifles through my dresser, grabbing some clothes from the drawers. I tug on my jeans and a shirt before grabbing my jacket as I head out the door. I pull out my car keys as I hop into my Jeep Wrangler. I start up my vehicle and heads to the police station. 

I quickly pat down my unruly hair as I walk in. My advisor coming over as I do, filling me in. "Detective, so I've already told you about officer Green." I nod and he continues talking. "It's been a while since this killer has made a move so we had closed his case. But he's gotten a little ballsy lately. Detective Michaels was his first target and now officer Green."  I question. "Do we know who this guy is?"  My advisor shakes his head. "No we haven't been able to pin an identity on the guy. He doesn't have a specific pattern of victims but how he kills is always the same."  I flutter though the the file, examining the photos. "Is Green's body in the more?"  He nods. "He was hauled in about forty minutes ago."  I nod, setting down the file . "I'm going to go take a look."  My advisor nods and quickly goes about to the other officers who are busying about. 

I make a hasty way to the morge on the basement level. "Morning Mia." I greet the morge caretaker.  "Way to busy of a morning. Come to take a look?" Nods, putting one some plastic gloves. "Yep. Came down to do what I do best." Mia also puts on some gloves. "I'd have to say, this killer is pretty gruesome."  She goes over and opens a silver door, pulling out Edgar's body. And to be honest, I almost hurled at the sight of him. My right hand covered my mouth. "Oh god..."   Edgar's face was cut up in multiple places. His left cheek was completely gone, exposing his jaw bone. His chest looked as if a wild animal ravaged his body. Some of his ribs were fractured and his heart along with his left lung was missing.  But it didn't stop there,  Edgar was sliced open all the way to his naval. Majority of his internal organs missing.  Mia spoke up through the silence. "When they brought him in, we had to remove his penis from his rectum..."  I look up at her. "His own penis was shoved in his ass?" Mia nodded. "Yes and from the looks of it, that was the first laceration all the others followed." I shake my head. "That's just gross..." I carefully remove my gloves and tosses them away. "Thanks for your time Mia." She nods and waves me goodbye. 

As I make my way back up to the lobby level, I find everyone making a fuss. I'm thoroughly confused at this point. I carefully go over to a close friend of mine. "Lyssa, what's going on?"  She stammers  a bit. "The murderer... He got Mr. Evans.." My eyes widen, my advisor?!  "How? What happened?" She weakly responds. "He went because there was another call about a victim that was killed by the same guy... He strung Evans up..dead. They're still trying to get him down..."  I quickly pushed past everyone. I put all my weight into slamming the doors open. FBI agents were everywhere, sirens flashed and paramedics were carefully trying to get my advisor down for the light post across the street. I quickly cover my mouth, feeling bile boiling in the back of my throat. My advisor was left in the same gruesome state as officer Green, just much worse because of all the blood. Evans's car was splattered with blood. A bloody message was left on his wind shield. 'Is my artwork beautiful enough for you?'  A violent sob left my lips as I scurried back inside,  releasing the contents of my stomach in the nearest garbage can. Lyssa came over to me shortly afterwards, helping me over to a chair. She soothed me. "Calm down Natalie... You gotta stay strong." My shoulders shake vigorously as loud sobs explode from my body. "It was horrible! So much blood!" Lyssa frowned, shushing me. "It's alright Natalie...I know Mr. Evans was like a father to you..." Tear just continued to pool down my face as I sobbed for the loss of my advisor. 

After the commotion died dos and Evans was brought to the morge, I finally calmed down. Lyssa stayed by my side until I was finally let out to go home.  The sun was only just starting to set as I shakily went to my car. I start up my jeep as I light a cigarette. I have t smoked in the longest time but right now... My nerves were shot.  My hands shook as I drove home. Once I made it to my home, I put out my cigarette and shuts off my car. A sigh leaves my lips as I get out of my car, shutting the door behind me with a bit more force than I expected. I go up and unlocks my door, entering my home exhaustedly. I kick my shoes off and heads to my kitchen to make some dinner. I carefully pull my hair into a messy bun before I start curbing some chicken breast. After a little bit I start to get the feeling that I'm being watched. I sigh a little as I push the meat into the frying pan. As it cooks, I grab ,y dog food and shakes the bag. "Luna!" I pour some food into my husky's bowlbut she doesn't come running downstairs like she always does. I put the dog food on the counter and turns off my stove, going to look for her. "Luna?"  I go upstairs into my bedroom, I open my door . "Luna honey it's dinner tim-" A loud shriek leaves my mouth, my eyes widening in horror. My precious white husky was mutalayed on my bed. Her white fur soaked red from her own blood. I stumbled backwards away from my bedroom, wanting to get away from the scene.  However, I ran into something... More like someone. The intruder gripped my arms tightly. "Is my artwork beautiful enough for you Natalie?"  The man chuckled darkly. Another scream that was my  own echoed off my home's walls. I pushed myself away from the man quickly, turning to look at him. 

His figure loomed in my bedroom's doorway. The man had a well built frame but was still very thin. He was tan skinned and tall. His hair was a chocolate brown, about shoulder length but not quite. His features were handsome. His piercing swampy green eyes leering at me as I shock with fear.  The man wore a red flannel with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, a white fitting top underneath (most likely a wife beater) and dark fitted denim jeans with grungy looking sneakers. He held a large bowe knife in his right hand.  He chuckled again and stepped into my room. "Well Natalie? Are they good enough? My little gifts?"  I stumbled back more. "G-go away!"  I'm not  very strong girl, I've always been weak. That's why I wasnt a field agent.   The  man laughed. "Don't be like that Natalie. I'm not going to hurt  you."   I shake fearfully. "What d-do you want from me?! Who are you?! How do you know my name?!"  The man just grins down at me, pinning me to the wall. "Oh cmon Natalie. I've known you since we were kids.  It took me a while to find you but it was worth it."  I squirmed under his grip. "S-stop! Let me go!"  He chuckles. "There's no need to be scared of me Natalie. I wouldn't hurt you. You know me, you just need to remember. I'm a little hurt that you forgot me but I'll forgive you."  He leans into my neck, rubbing his face into my skin.  I tremble viciously, racking my brain. I don't know any psychos! How can I know this...wait.  A faint memory in the back of my mind.  A skinny kid from middle school. He was pretty tall compared to the other kids. When the name fluttered back into my brain.  Denis.  He was an outcast kid in my old school. Everyone was scared of him because of his short temper. Everyone knew he was dangerous and weird. I would always catch him staring at me in class. 

I let out a shake breath. "D-Denis...right?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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