The new girl

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It was the first day at college my heart was pounding and nervous drops of sweat was on my forehead I have been here before for freshmen year but I have all ready forgot the place that and I don't know today just seems more exiting I guess...a warm summer breeze passed moving my bleach blonde hair out of place,but luckily all I have to do is comb it with my hand to get the 'flawless hair style' as the fan girls say. I brought my luggage up to the reception desk nothing much just 1 suit case and a bag.

"Name?" The lady asked she sounded irritated but I didn't know why.

"Garroth Garte Ro'meave" I replied, the lady was looking down on her computer to I guess get my information up.

"Your room number is 731,and here is your classes" the women said handing me the keys,card with my room number and my class schedule,but luckily the classes start in a week which will give me enough time to get to know some people.

"Thank you Mam" I walked off and heard a 'ding!' I looked down and my phones light was shining through my jeans,I fished it out my pocket and a text message appeared 

Laurance:Hey garroth a Pearson is behind you! 

What does he mean? I looked behind myself and sure enough Laurance was behind me.

"Hey! Laurance! I didn't know you came here?!" I shouted and ran up to him,and gave him a bro hug.

"Yeah, my dad just in rolled me and cadenza"Laurance said swooping his hair out of his face.I looked behind him I swear at least 6 girls were taking pictures of us.

"Uhhh... Laurance look behind you" I whispered,he turned around and saw all the crazed fan girls,he smirked and through me his luggage an 'oomph' could be heard speaking that Laurance's suit case weighed like you were holding the world! 

"Ladies,Ladies I know you can't resist my handsome looks but please calm down!" Laurance smirked at all the girls making them scream.

I felt a something knock into me,I turned around and sure enough it was another girl.

"O-oh sorry,I-I didn't mean t-to" the girl said,and might I say she was stunning.She had raven black hair golden brown eyes and tan skin.

"Oh it's fine" I said helping her pick up her stuff, and on the last thing our hands met.I felt heat rush to my cheeks and the same did too hers.

"O-oh s-s-sorry" I stammered and smiling I almost forgot our hands were still together until I snapped back to reality and got up reaching out my hand to help pull her up,And surprisingly she gladly took it! I smiled and so did she.

"Hey,sorry about bumping into you I was just in a rush to find my dorm I guess,heh"she said grabbing her stuff and putting it back into her bag.

"Like I said its fine!I honestly don't mind at all,hehe"I smiled and got my stuff back into position,

"So,what's your name?"She asked trying to make small talk I guess

"Oh yeah right,um... it's garroth"I replied rubbing the back of my neck,"what's yours?"

"My name is Aphmau!"she said cheerfully,wow even her name is beautiful...


"Wow,that's a um... unique name"I said trying not to sound mean,but of course it comes off to strong  

"Heh,yeah I have a 'unique' name" Aphmau sounded sad,oh no did I hurt her feelings frack! 

"No,No,No that's not what I meant I mean it's a beautiful name!" I panicked a little,but she smiled and I chuckled,

"T-thanks" Aphmau smiled,and I smiled "So what room are you in?"She asked obviously trying to change the subject,but I didn't mind it was kind of awkward so relieved she did.

"Oh it's room...731" I told her looking at my card with the number on it,she gasped but I didn't know why


"Yeah Really"

"Hehehe,Epic! We have the same dorm!"she shouted,and I felt all the heat in my body rise to my cheeks,

"C-cool"that's all I could get out trying my best to stay chill,but on the inside I was screaming.I couldn't believe I would be dorming with a beautiful gal perfect! But wait what if I do something dumb?! Oh my Irene knowing me that would most likely happen,

R.I.P Me 



Thanks a bunch for reading this! This is meh first book so plz give me feed back the!

And Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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