The transfer student

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My name is [y/f/n] [y/l/n] and this is the tale of the ever-blooming love between a human and an ogre.

It all started at the Academy for Witches. Yes, Shreks and witches aren't typically fond of each other. But, I guess fate came down upon me to love one.


You were timidly walking down the halls of the academy, constantly bumping into your fellow witches and other mythical beasts. You were shy so you didn't have the guts to stand up for yourself. It's been going on like this for about two years; you're a junior now and your school life isn't really panning out like you had expected. You hoped that at least by your sophomore year, you'd peel away from the shyness that confines you. Sadly, none of that happened, and it doesn't feel like it will happen anytime soon.

As you entered your first class, the air around you became dense and uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at you for some reason. You hated when people stared. 'Haven't your parents ever taught you that it's rude to stare?'


You thought to yourself. Ah, whatever, they'll get what's coming to them.

You lowered your head and quietly scurried to your seat, and of course the eyes followed you. Five minutes have already past since you entered and their eyes are still on you. Now you're uncomfortable.

'Okay, this is getting really weird, I know they stare at me sometimes but this is just strange'

Something is tugging at the back of your mind, telling you to get up and yell at them to stop staring. But at the same time, your consciousness is holding you back. You don't dare embarrass yourself in front of the entire class. Like, what if your voice cracks when you get all high and mighty?


Then suddenly, a hushed voice whispers beside you. 'Huh?' You thought. This was strange, no one ever talks to you, so what's all of this?

You turn your head slightly in the direction of the voice. Your eyes light up and your cheeks heat up when you realize who the owner of the voice is.

It's Colin, the quiet but sociable kid in your classroom. Why does he want to talk to you?

"U-Um, hey..?" You squeak out.

"Hiya," Colin replies with a gentle smile. 'Oh, h-he smiled at me' You thought, your stomach begins to flutter.

He speaks up a little, "So, um, [y/n], correct?".

'Oh my god, he knows my name?! Hhhh, he's so nice, he knows my name.'

Your cheeks are beet red, you can't believe what you're hearing. This kid, out of all people, knows your name?

You reply sheepishly, "Y-Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out". He giggles at your response to your surprise. You slightly praise yourself for achieving this moment.

"So, anyways," he said, "Do you know about the rumors?"

You tilt your head in confusion and ask, "Rumors?"

Colin nods and says, "Yeah, it's all over the school". He looks around as if he's worried that someone might catch him. As if he's done something wrong. With that, he leans in and cups his hands over your ear and whispers, "There's gonna be a transfer student, a strange one".

Confusion hits you hard, so you question him quietly, "A transfer student? Why is this such a big deal, we always get transfer students".

"No you don't understand, it's an ogre, and they say that he's going to be your roommate".


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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