New roomies

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You were so fed up with your room mates. Late might cries from (random name)'s child and it's final! You grabbed my bags and hugged her goodbye. "Please come visit!" She smiled. "Of course!" You smiled the usual fake smile as you close the door. Getting into your car, you see two boys across the street. One wearing a purple hoodie and green jacket, the other with a blue hoodie. They shouted loudly at eachother as you cranked the music to hear my favorite song. Windows down, sunroof open, wind blowing softly, the weather was perfect. You pulled up to a small white house with a white roof. There it was. It was pretty big and looked empty. Though you could hear a TV once the music stopped. In the other yard, a smaller boy stood watering the grass. "Hello!" He smiled and waved. You waves back and grabbed your bag. In the driveway was a small red car. You looked at it as the front door opened. A brown hair boh with a green hoodie smiled and stepped out. "Hello! You must be (Y/N)! My name is Edd!" He pit his hand out. You took it and shook softly. Another boy leaned against the door frame. Red hoodie with a bandage on his chin. "Come inside!" Edd smiled and took your bags. He seemed very nice. As you entered, you saw many photos, a large living room, a fair sized kitchen and a small hallway with 3 doors. Then stairs which led upstairs. "For tonight, you might have to sleep on the couch. Unless Tom or you gives up your room..." He looked over at the red hooded boy. "In your dreams Edd!" He laughed and went to sit on the couch. "Or even Matt..." Edd rubbed his chin. "It's fine. I honestly don't care..." You sighed and dropped your smaller bag as Edd out it beside the couch. You fixed the hood on your (F/C) hoodie. The door swung open and the same two boys from before walked in. "Ah!" Edd clapped his hands. The red hooded boy looked over and rolled his eyes. "What's your name?" You asked and sat beside him. "Tord." He said, making no eye contact. "Cool. I'm (Y/N)." You put your hand out and he shook it, again without a glance. He seemed to have ZERO interest in anything. You smiled and crossed your legs. His eyes finally glanced over, though his face was serious. "What?" You asked. "What?" He looked into your eyes and you stopped. His eyes were a reddish color. Ruby red to be exact. "Problem.?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at the TV again. It was now you realized his strong accent. "No..." You looked at the screen as well to see the news. The other three boys walked to the front door and opened it. "Yo guys. We're gonna go out for a bit. Be back later!" Edd smiled before walking out. The house filled with silence as the door shut. The only sounds were to be heard were the TV, the birds and soon, the car starting. You slowly glanced over at Tord who rolled his shoulders with a crack. "What do you want to do?" You asked. He shrugged as an add appeared on the TV. Something about a new arcade. Tord smirked and glanced over with the slightest turn of his head. "I challenge you to arcade games." His smirk grew wider. "Challenges accepted Red!" You jumped up and put and hand out for his. He laughed softly and took it, standing up. His hand felt cold but that didn't bother you. You kicked your bag to the side and walked to the car, hopping over the door into the seat. Tord did the same as you drove off to something you never knew could end so well...

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