Hey baby I'm sorry that I have to cancel our plans again. I promise you baby girl that I'm going to make it up to you Maurice said through the phone. He had been asked to stay and work over time on his job and he couldn't resist. He had a lot of responsibilities to take care of although he was only 22.
Really??? You have got to be kidding me right now. This is the third time you've stayed and worked over time this week. You know what I'm tired of arguing with you. You're a grown man so do what you wanna do. Aaliyah hung the phone and immediately placed Maurice on her block list. She felt as if tho she could make time and so could he.
Instead of dwelling over spilled milk Aaliyah decided to take out her notes and prepare for another week of nursing school. As she begin to study, the tears began to roll. She was tired of Maurice letting her down and disappointing her over and over again.