Chapter 1: Black Cat

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   P.O.V. Marinette

   The Parisian night lights never ceased to amaze me. The busy bustle of city life always quieted down to a soft sweet jazz, never failing to capture the hearts of lovers. It wasn't something that could be seen or heard, it had to be experienced. Like how wine tasted better in the company of someone you loved, it couldn't be explained even with the vast expanse of words.

Despite the warmth from the fluttering hearts of the city-dwellers, I shivered on the balcony of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Even surrounded by affection and appreciation as Paris' Ladybug, I couldn't have felt more alone.

"Happy 18th Birthday, Marinette." I whispered to myself, gripping the mug of lukewarm hot cocoa in my trembling hands.

Alya had sent me a birthday text this morning, apologizing for not being able to spend the day with me as she was in America with Nino for a DJ offer he couldn't refuse. My parents were at a baking convention in the U.K. and despite urging them to go, I wished for some company on this cold winter night.

The plit-plat of the first few drops of rain sent me back inside, the bitter chill taunting my loneliness. I glanced at the clock. 11:50pm. 10 more minutes and my birthday would end.

There were 3 taps (that nearly gave me a heart attack) on my open balcony door then a blonde figure in a black bodysuit stepped inside, a small squelch in his boots from the heavy rain.

"Happy Birthday, Princess."

"How-how'd you know?"

"I'm Chat Noir." Was his only response. That fact makes the situation more unbelievable.

He held out his hand, in it a white rose rested on a crimson box, a sloppy bow attached to a note wilted under it.

My Princess,
May your purr-fect day be rid of cat-ostrophic events and be filled with meow-ntains of joy.
Your one and only Chat Noir

I smiled, despite the cat puns. Inside a neon green and black paw print charm paired with a lilac crown charm lightly hung on a thin bracelet chain. A smirk played across Chat's face.

"You love it."

"I do. I really do." I beamed. Closing the space between us, I placed a small peck on his cheek.

"Merci, mon chaton."

A flush of scarlet cascaded over Chat's cheeks.

"R-really?" He stuttered. "B-because I didn't know if it was too forward, or if-" he cut off and cleared his throat. "I mean- of course, my taste is unmatched."

I laughed. Smooth. I was honestly very grateful to the kitty for coming to visit, even though I should've been creeped out. As he turned out to leave, I beckoned him to stay.

"It's raining pretty heavily outside, why don't you stay? I'll bring cookies."

His ears perked up, which was unbelievably cute, and practically ran to my bed.

We talked past midnight, I didn't even notice my birthday had ended and the rain had stopped. Who knew the kitty and I had so much to talk about: Ultimate Mecha Strike III, fashion design, and of course, puns. A long-held in yawn escaped my lips.

"It's getting late, I should really get going." An apologetic cat whimpered. He scratched the back of his neck, not wanting to leave. I packed up the last of the cookies we had stolen from the pantry and handed it to him.

He accepted them with a bittersweet grin.

"Goodnight, my Princess." And with that, disappeared into the night lights of Paris. They never ceased to amaze me, but tonight, they were the most brilliant I had ever seen them.

Goodnight, my Prince.

So what did ya think? :D Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end of the chapter, I promise there will be many more chapters very, very soon!

Much love,
Aly Wynn :)

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