Chapter One | It all started with one nasty coffee spill

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What's up, docs?

How are you doing?

I have decided to create another AleHeather fan fiction - my third one to be specific.

So without further ado, here is my new book. This is the first chapter/ the prologue.

I'm still working on the book but I hope you enjoy. 😊

[Insert your own playlist here]

Quote for the Chapter:

'First impressions are important. While a book should not be judged by its cover, many people are unlikely to read it if the cover is not inviting'



"Lindsay, stop screaming already. You're giving me a migraine," I groaned, holding the phone at a safe distance from me.

"Sorry, Heather. I'm just really psyched that you are moving into my school," Lindsay apologised. It was good that she did. My ears were practically ringing.

"I can't believe it either," I said with a sigh as I spun around in my swirling chair. "I'm bored. I'll be at your house in 10,"

"Okay," Lindsay chirped before I ended the call. I put my phone down on my desk and decided to change clothes.

After stripping out of my casual home clothing, I changed into something more decent that I could go out with. A tank top and shorts. Simple, but decent.

I don't like to go over the top with things even though I always try to look perfect.

Lindsay's house, fortunately for me, wasn't all that far. It was a fairly short five minute walk. My parents didn't mind that I was going over to Lindsay's even though it was 7 pm and it was a school night.

Neither did Lindsay's parents as they let me into their house with a warm smile which I returned.

Lindsay was in her room, trying to pick out for her outfit tomorrow. Note to self: Do the same thing when I get home.

I watched Lindsay for a couple of minutes before I decided to sit on her bed and look at her dressing mirror.

"The whole student council has heard about you, Heather," Lindsay said.

"Really?" I asked, while selecting what nail polish to put on my nails. I settled on red - my favourite colour.

"Yeah. I honestly can't wait for you to meet everyone. I'm sure they would like you," Lindsay held up some top by the hanger. She went to the full body-length mirror and observed herself.

"Mmhmm," I replied, honestly uninterested. I opened the bottle of red polish and looked at whether it was gooey or fine.

"The boys there are really cute," Lindsay continued. "There is this one in particular, though. He has every girl wrapped around his finger,"

My ears perked up. That seemed to get my attention. To be able to do that, you would have to be manipulative. And to be manipulative, you have to be smart and to have dealt with people in the past to know what their weaknesses are.

In other words, this person is my type.

As I applied a fresh layer of nail polish on my index finger, a million question ran through my head but I only selected one.

"Who is this?" I asked, now interested and hanging onto my best friend's words.

The blonde went back to her wardrobe and picked out a royal blue skirt. "This will do," She placed it neatly on her bed, before joining me to do her nails.

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