1~ Make sure I'm feeling alright, and always make sure I tell you cause I'm stubborn
2~ Always make sure to say good morning, goodnight, and I Love You
3~Never go to bed angry, sad or empty
4~ Always tell me when you're feeling wrong
5~ Always be honest
6~ Never cheat, it's bads
7~Tuck me in and read to me every night (unless you absolutely can't)
8~Always take at least an hour or two for yourself, daddy needs daddy time
9~Make sure I work out for the period of time you desire
10~Make sure I eat at least two meals a day
11~When angry don't take it out on me and talk it out, maybe I can helps
12~Try to make sure I is happy 90% of the time
13~Let me know when you don't want to talk or can't talk
14~Please give me as much attention as possible, I'm secretly needy and want you to only focus on me most of the time
15~Ask me if I am okay with you talking to or hanging out with your friends that are girls >-<
16~Don't pressure me to do things if I don't want to, no means no
17~Always ask me if I want to play (@~@) I'm too nervous to bring it up sometimes (even if I'm squirmy)
18~Make sure I always let my little self out at least three times a day, and only making sure I'm big if I have to be
19~Give me plenty of kisses and loves
Lastlyyyy(for now)