The challenge

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Hakyeon had not been able to sleep all night. He had spent the evening trying to calm Jia. Jia was his girlfriend. But he did not know if he could even call her that anaymore. There was a week that she had asked him to break up. Jia said she liked a man who's name was Taekwoon Jung. Hakyeon could not understand. He was in a relationship with Jia for three years and never had deceived her. They had fallen in love at college and had come together in the same school. He had already planned his life with her. He saw himself go with her to the university and get a job after graduation, find a nice home where he could live with her and their children. He even imagined how he would make his request in wedding. Besides, he had started saving for months in order to buy her a diamond ring on the day of its proposal. But this dream had collapsed last week when Jia told him she was in love with Jung Taekwoon for two years and she would finally declare her love to him. The day after, Hakyeon had seen them going out together. Yet he had begged Jia a lot of time to come back because he love her and he felt lost and miserable. But Jia had laughed at him and walked away from him. It was like seeing another person. Then he was told that when you love a person, you also need to sacrifice yourself and let the other person live his happiness. So he left her thinking that she would be happy, but he did not expect to receive a call from Jia in tear one week after their break up. She told him that Jung Taekwoon had broke up with her. He would not get away with it. Hakyeon had then tried to say reassuring things but she do not stop crying. He was then tried again to going out with Jia, but she had refused his proposal. For Jia, there was Jung Taekwoon now in his heart and nobody else. Hakyeon was among the forgotten. But he could not stay calm seeing his great love crying. So he had decided to settle accounts with this Jung Taekwoon. Hakyeon got up early to go to his school. He had to avenge Jia. He began at the entrance of the high school and began to read the names of students who passed next to him. This will take time, but he was sure of being able to find this man. Hakyeon beginning to feel tired. He was at the entrance of the high school for many minutes and he had tried to read the names on the uniforms of students, but so far he saw no Jung Taekwoon. He was on the point of giving up. His friend Jaehwan knew this man, he could ask for his help at the break. He turned and began walking towards his classroom when he heard a student screaming and running towards a man. "Taekwoon wait for me. Jung Taekwoon why you always make me run behind you? Wait for me, "cried the student. " It's you who like to follow me thus keeps the rhythm or leave me alone " said a man. Hakyeon turned to this man. He gasped. Before him was walking a thin and slender young man with blond hair. He had big brown eyes and very white skin. He was really beautiful, thought Hakyeon, that's why many girls are behind him. He shook his head. No, he had important things to do and above all he had to face this man for the honor of Jia. He walked right over him and barred his way. He saw the man looking at him strangely. " Are you Jung Taekwoon? "Asked Hakyeon. The man nodded his head. Hakyeon then beckoned him to follow him. He had to talk to him in a quiet place. But the man lent him anymore attention and went on his way. The reaction of Taekwoon, even put Hakyeon in anger and he rushed to pull the arm of Taekwoon. "Let me go" said Taekwoon. "I need to talk to you and immediately, then either you follow me or I continue to pull you behind me," said Hakyeon. He released the man's arm and he began to follow him without a word.

"I'm Cha Hakyeon" said Hakyeon. " So what ? "Taekwoon replied. "Last week, you were dating a girl named Kim Jia and you broke her heart," said Hakyeon. "And what does this have to do with you? Jia and me broke up yesterday "said Taekwoon. "Jia is my former girlfriend. Because of you, she broke up with me, yet it was three years since we were dating, "said Hakyeon. "I still do not see how your relationship with her have something to do with me. Like I've said, we no longer go out together "Taekwoon replied. "I demand compensation for the hurt and pain you have inflicted her" said Hakyeon. "If you want to hit me then do it, but there is nothing I can do for you. The girls I go out with, know very well that there are chances that it only lasts a few days, but they still continue to want to confess to me. I do not think I abuse them. On the contrary, because they say they love me then I give them a chance. I've always been honest with them about my feelings and I have always made efforts to satisfy their pleasure and also to fall in love with them. But it never works. I'm not one to live with the same person if I do not like it. That's why I broke up with your girlfriend. If this has hurt her so I apologize, but I think the truth is always better than to pretend and then harm the person in the cheating, "said Leo. Hakyeon did not know what to say. Taekwoon's arguments had much sense and he can not anymore hit a man who was not really a bastard. However, he could not let Taekwoon get out as easily. He saw him turn his back and start heading for the classroom. Hakyeon had to say something, anything as long as it has the impact and gives him the opportunity to humiliate this Jung Taekwoon. "You think this fine speech can impress me ? You are and will remain a jerk for accepting too easily to change partners. Don't you have no heart? You must not even know what love is. You trampled the Heart of girls under the pretext that you can not love them. What do you like in this situation ? Do you feel superior to her because they are crazy in love with you? " shouted Hakyeon. He saw Taekwoon turn with anger. "This is not the truth. I do not try to abuse them "shouted Taekwoon. " So what is it ? Why are you agree to go out with all these girls? "Asked Hakyeon. "Because they asked me" Taekwoon replied. "Are you an idiot? do you agree so easily to go out with people? In this case I challenge you to go out with me. If you are honest with your words, so I'll challenges you, Jung Taekwoon to go out with me, "said Hakyeon. He saw Taekwoon watching him with big eyes. Finally, Hakyeon had managed to dominate him. He would expose his lie openly. He lives Taekwoon open his mouth to speak but the school bell interrupted them. They had to run if they do not want to be late to class. Hakyeon did not want to receive further punishment. Besides, he did not need Taekwoon's answer, he had brought the topic only to see if he was lying or not. And now he was sure of his answer. Taekwoon was a pervert who took advantage of the weakness of the girls to go out with them and then he got rid of them without a thank you. He was happy that Jia finally opens her eyes. With a little patience, he could recover her because he still loved her. 

Hakyeon had spent all his time to think over the way to regain the heart of his girlfriend. He had thought to offer her flowers or even a poem. Jia loved poems. He then started to write some verses. screaming girls make him level up his head. He was now in the cafeteria of the school with his friend Jaehwan. He saw that the girls surrounded a young man whose face was vaguely familiar. "Again this Jung Taekwoon. The girls run after him like moths "said Jaehwan. Hakyeon looked at the cinema of the girls. True, he was popular, but this could not be an excuse for his behavior. "It is Monday morning. It's the day when Taekwoon chooses his girlfriend of the week" said Jaehwan. "Ken what are you just say ? Why a Monday morning? "Asked Hakyeon. "You're not aware of the rumor? Yet all students are aware of. The man accepted the first application of any young girl who made him his statement in Monday morning. Then he forms a pair with her for a week. On Sunday of the same week, he breaks up with her and the following week he goes out with another girl. Besides last week, his girlfriend was Jia .... euh sorry, "said Ken before remembering that Jia was the former girlfriend of his friend. Hakyeon glared at him. He did not need someone to remind him of the situation. He heard a girl doing her confession to Taekwoon. She was quite beautiful. Yet another one who would end up crying, he said. "I'm really honored and flattered to know that you have interest in me, but I've agreed to go out with someone," said Taekwoon. "No, that's impossible, you came late and I'm sure you have spoken to any girl before me this morning. Then you have to accept my request, I am the first to ask since this morning, "replied the girl. Taekwoon leaned to apologize. " I am sorry. I go out with someone already since this morning, "he said. Then Hakyeon saw him heading to his table. Was he mad? His discussion with him this morning was more than enough, he did not feel like talking to him. He lives Taekwoon sit next to him and take his cell. What right he allowed himself to touch his belongings? Hakyeon prepared to say insults when Taekwoon returned his cell, saying: "I just save my number on your cell phone. I also took yours. I'll call you tonight. " Hakyeon in shock could not react. He lives Taekwoon get closer to him and make him a kiss on the cheek. "In fact, you can call me Leo," he said before leaving. Hakyeon was struggling to get back to reality. What just happened? The pervert had kiss him. He, Cha Hakyeon. This man have taken seriously his proposal this morning? Yet he was not a girl. Hakyeon rose from his chair and walked to the door. He would definitely kill that Jung Taekwoon or Leo. But why his heart was beating so fast in his chest ?

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