Part 1: Usurpation

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The noises were quiet at first: the cessation of conversations, the swish of crossbow bolts and thuds of impacts but they were enough to rouse the Prince as he lay sprawled on his bed, grabbing a final five minutes before he was due to rise. He always woke early because Toothless, his most faithful friend and protector, would not allow any sort of a lie in when he needed his morning exercise. He sighed, flung his arm above his head and listened.

Another noise sounded, closer and Toothless raised his head, ears pricked and teeth bared in a silent growl. Hiccup sat up, lithe and alert, his forest green eyes focussed on the door. His tousled dark auburn hair was caught by a stray beam of the sun between the heavy curtains, highlighting the few lighter copper hairs mixed among the unruly mop. Then he was up, his lanky shape moving with purpose, almost silent as he leaned against the door and listened. There was breathing out there, people closing and he gestured to Toothless to guard the door as he frantically dragged on his dark green hose, lighter green tunic and brown leather armour. He had just slipped his boots on and grabbed his sword and dagger as the handle to the door to his room started to turn.

Scarcely breathing, the young prince ducked behind the door, motioning his protector to stand by him as the door opened a crack and four crossbow bolts thudded into the dent on the mattress which had only just been vacated by him. The would-be murderer poked his head into the room and saw he had missed so he shoved the door further open and walked forward. The Prince raised his sword and slammed the hilt onto the man's head, knocking him witless. Noting his would be killer was wearing the King's livery, the Prince moved swiftly as the traitor hit the floor with a thud, his head snapping round to look into the corridor. Two more men stood out there, over the bodies of their loyal comrades and they spotted the familiar shape of the Prince immediately.

"There he is! Get him!"

Hiccup groaned and ducked from the door, heading directly across the corridor to the window. Before the men could react, he flung his arms across his face and leapt through the window, his legs freewheeling as he dropped almost twenty feet to the roof of the cloistered walk below. He rolled, his left ankle turning and sprang up, hissing gently in pain. The jet shape of Toothless soared down and landed lightly by him, growling. Hiccup cast him a jaundiced glance.

"Yeah, yeah, it's alright for you, useless wolf!" he grumbled, limping to the edge and leaping down. Crossbows whiffled past his ears as he ducked to avoid them taking his head off. "Wow, someone got out of the wrong side of the bed today!" he noted.

Shouts began to sound and there was the sound of fighting as soldiers-he hoped they were loyal to his father, King Stoick the Vast-began to defend the Royal family against the attackers. Hiccup ducked back and tried to get his breath. He had no idea what was going on but it was clear that Berkingham Castle couldn't have been infiltrated by the traitors without inside help. He swallowed: it wasn't an appetising thought. Stoick was respected and loved by his subjects but there were always the malcontents and enemies that any kingdom harboured. Hiccup could think of Mildew the Unpleasant, Silent Sven of Westcliffe and of course, the King's brother, Lord Spitelout in Berk as well as the nobles from neighbouring kingdoms and the borderlands-Alvin the Treacherous, Dagur the Deranged, Viggo and Ryker Grimborn and Drago the Dark, Prince of Blood. He swallowed: any or all of them could be involved in the attack.

He shook himself. He knew who he would trust with his life and he knew his priority was to get to safety: it would help no one if he was taken or slain. He had been drilled by his tutor, Gobber the Belch, his father's Right Hook Man, right from when he was a small runty princeling, about what he should do in the event of an attack-no matter his instinct to fight and defend his home.

"Yer job, lad, is ter survive and continue the Royal Line-no matter what ye may want!"

"But, Gobber-I am the King's son. I should be there, fighting with my soldiers and defending Berk!"

HHH: Prince of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now