Chapter 1

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Alone. I have been alone for almost 3 years now.  There is no one left to care about me, to love me,  or to protect me. I am on my own.
It's coming up to the 3 year anniversary of my parent's death. The nightmares have returned. I try to avoid sleep but no matter how hard I try to;  it eventually manages to pull me in. Every night I relive that awful day where my whole life fell apart

It was the 23rd of August; the sky was grey, not a patch of blue for as far as the eye could see and I was on my way home from school. I could see my house from where I was. As I passed the house 4 doors down from us, the smell of smoke suddenly hit me. I looked up and was not prepared for what I was about to witness. Orangey flames engulfed my home and black smoke rose above it. I dropped my rucksack and ran to the driveway.
"Mum, Dad!" I screamed, "Mum! Dad! Can you hear me?"
No reply. I dropped to my knees, I felt tears running down my cheeks and I could hear my heart racing. My whole body hurt, the pain felt like a bullet embedding itself into my heart. I couldn't do anything, they were gone. I fell onto my back, I just lay there crying silently. I closed my eyes.
I could hear fire trucks and ambulances in the distance, and there was also the sound of a screaming child. I felt unbearable heat on my body but I couldn't bring myself to move. I could taste smoke and salt (most likely my tears). The smell of smoke was overwhelming, I began coughing violently.
I opened my eyes, everything was flashing red and blue and sirens were playing; the emergency vehicles must have arrived. Water was being sprayed at the house and the fire was almost out. I saw stretchers waiting to carry the bodies of my parents away. Firefighters disappeared through the door and I felt hands on my shoulders pulling me up. I looked up and the hands belonged to a woman in a nurse's uniform I let her take me towards the back of an ambulance. I looked around and saw figures on the stretchers, I broke free from the woman's grip and ran towards them.
I saw my mum she had dried blood on her face and arms, there was a dark burn on her neck, some of her skin was showing through where the fire had burnt away her clothes. But worst of all she wasn't moving, I put a hand to her neck to find a pulse but I couldn't find one. She was gone. I felt fresh tears trickle down my cheeks and I hugged her one last time. Reluctantly I pulled myself away and went over to my dad, he had the same injures but a lot more deep purple bruises. I searched for a pulse, I could feel one! My whole body inflated with hope.
"He has a pulse!" I screamed at the nearest paramedic, "He's alive!"
The paramedic ran over an began hurrying the stretcher into one of the ambulances, I ran after the stretcher and got in the ambulance with it.
As we speeded along the roads weaving our way in and out of cars, I held my dad's hand tightly.
"You're going to be okay." I said reassuringly.
I watched him lie unconscious for a while and watched his chest rise and fall. Then I thought about my mum, tears filled my eyes. No! I wouldn't let myself be depressed, there was still hope.
We got into the hospital, and rushed through what seemed like a maze of corridors. Finally we got to the right room and I was about to go in after the stretcher when a nurse said
"Please wait here for now."
I opened my mouth to disagree with her, but then closed it and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. The smell of chemicals filled my nose as a cleaner walked past and I could hear the sound of wheels squeaking as well as the beeping of several heart monitors. There was a male receptionist sitting behind a desk in the far corner and a clock on the wall to my right. I stared at the door where my dad had dissapeared through for what I counted was about 12 minutes. A different nurse to the first one came through, I jumped up from the seat and walked over to him.
"How is he?" I asked.
He didn't reply, just solemnly shaked his head. I felt like all the happiness in the world had vanished. He was dead. I knew he was gone but I needed to see it for myself.
Pushing the nurse out the way, I ran through the double doors. I sprinted to the corpse that was lying on the bed and collapsed on top of it. Tears came once again. My life was officially over, there was no one I cared about left.

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