Happy ending for Clexa ?

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As soon as Lexa saw Titus pointing a gun at Clarke she didn't even hesitate one second and stepped immediately in front of Clarke.
Clarke tried to pull her back but Lexa wouldn't let her. Lexa was standing face to face with the gun now.
"How dare you ?" She was looking at Titus with cold eyes holding her arm protectively in front of Clarke.
Titus was still holding the gun, almost as he couldn't resist pulling back even before his commander.
"Heda please." He begged her. "Clarke is bad for you! Can't you see that ? Let me get it over with once and for all. Love is weakness and it always has to stay like this! "
Lexa suddenly felt this rage inside of her and she also felt betrayed, because the person she was supposed to trust the most wanted to kill the only thing that made her truly happy again. But despite her anger towards Titus she tried to control herself and stay calm.
"Titus put down the weapon. You don't want to do this. " Lexa tried to convince him, but he wouldn't listen.
"It is my duty to protect you Heda. It is my job to make sure that your destiny will be fullfilled." One last time Lexa tried to talk some sense into him. "Put down the gun. That's an order. " Lexa said with a serious voice.
Clarke could hear the intensity of her anger. Titus still didn't attend to move one muscle. And that was the moment Lexa was done playing nice and calm. Suddenly she made one step forward trying to kick the gun out of Titus' hand, but it was too late, because he already pulled the trigger before the gun finally fell to the ground further away from them.
Lexa made her final move by hitting Titus straight into his face so he would fall back unconcious. Clarke just stood there for a minute unable to move or even speak until Lexa finally turned around with blood running all over her arm. Clarke immediately walked across the room to see where Lexa was hit. "Wait." Lexa said before Clarke could take a closer look at her.
"Guards!" She yelled and a few seconds later two big, black clothed men with large spears walked into the room.
"Take him away and lock him up." Lexa ordered them. The two guards took the unconcious Titus and closed the door as they were leaving the room again.
"Are you okay ?" Clarke asked Lexa by taking a closer look at her bleeding shoulder. "I'm not sure." Lexa responded without looking Clarkein the eyes. "Well, it's not that bad, but we need something to cover the wound." Clarke was looking around the room hoping to see something like a bandage she could use. She walked across the room and ripped of a piece of the white sheets that covered the bed.
"Maybe you should sit down." Lexa nodded, followed Clarke and sat down at the end of the bed.
Clarke sat down right next to her and started treating the wound. After she was done wraping the bandage around Lexas shoulder, the two of them just sat there in complete silence.
A few minutes had passed, when Clarke suddenly noticed the tears in Lexas eyes running down her face.
Lexa was trying so hard to hold them back, but she just lost control and couldn't supress her feelings anymore.
Clarke carefully took her hand and tried to calm her down. "Hey, it's okay. We're safe now. I'm really sorry about Titus. I know you trusted him."
Lexa finally turned her head around looking Clarke straight into her eyes.
"I trust you more." She whispered. Her voice broke.
And then Clarke just leaned forth and put her arms around Lexa so she could feel safe and loved by the knowledge that Clarke would never let her down. And for that moment it was enough, enough to forget everything that was happening around them, enough to recognize that this moment meant more than words, enough to know that in this moment they completed each other. ♡

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