Kidnaper, the last word I heard from my sister´s mouth. Kidnaper, she said. KIDNAPER!, again. Suddenly i was unconscious. I´d only heard sounds, screames, noises. I waked up, on the messy floor, shoking, with a cut on my face, bleeding, dying, the man was there, my father... was part of a murder, dead. I started, screaming, crying, running trying to find my sister and mother, i didn´t. I looked everywhere, under my bed, behind every single piece of furniture, over and over again. Running crying, hugging my daddy. Screming, MOMMY! I NEED YOU!... No one answered. ASHLEY!! HELP ME! not an answer. Only a shadow, a creepy one, THE KIDNAPER´S SHADOW. damn.
I´m Melody, im 11 years old. I live in someone´s house, I don´t really know who he is. But I know I´ve seen him, before. I´ve been living here, in this, dirty, ugly and creepy house, 5 years of my life. I know I have a family out there, somewhere. Some day, I´m planning, to escape. But, If i stay, Where should I go?
MELODY!! GET DOWN STAIRS NOW!! SOMEONE WANTS TO SEE YOU!! someonne said. I came down, happily someone had came to save me. I got down the spiral staircases. jumping, on my muddy pinky girly dress, I´ve used for two years. With my favorite blue tigthy shoes, which i´d them since that year also, my messy curled blonde hair that already reaches my waist, my light blue eyes were sparkling, like they never did, smiling, i think I really have the opportunity to leave to leave this place. Even if that guy loves me like I was her child, but anyway, i got down, joyfully, until...
"Where!!?? Where´s the "someone" you told me!!??"- i said desperately. "There´s no one".-he said. "So? Why do you called me then?- "I wanted to talk... but i knew that if i told you so, you wouldn´t.- he said kind off seriously.
Ok... Im here... so...???-I told him. "No, uhh nothing, I just wanted to talk"- "About what?"- "About... your future"- "W-what?? What do you mean?"- "I know you´re planning to escape... Everyone does." "Uhh I w-wasn´t gonna-a uhhh..."- "I know you did,everyone does...but you are special... like no one else... I think I´m in love... with you...
I debatated with myself on my mind after that... Who the heck is this man, and why is he telling ME that, I´m just 11 he´s like 20...
I just stared at him, creeply... silently... awkwardly... speechless...
"W-what?"- i said. "That has to do with my future?"
"O-Of course it does"
"Why?".- "Because it does"-he replied.- "NO! It doesn´t!....... Just tell me why then..." "Because... I´ll tell you when you´re ready"..... "Kay..."- i replied confusedly.
I went up to my room. Suddenly I felt a tear running down my eyes. "Why is this happening to me?!"- I asked to myself. SometimesI just want to start things all over again...
"The Man´s P.O.V."
Crap... What have I done... I think I just went to fast... How things are starting, It´ll be a LONG way to marry her.
I went up to her bedroom and just standed out at the door, listening to her, crying desperately. "I just wanna met my family! That´s all i´m asking for!"- she said "I just want to start things all over again! That´s all!"- she continued.
And that´s when everything got worse. "What should I do?"
"Melody´s P.O.V"
*Sigh* "The only thing I gotta do, is to be strong"- I thought.... It was late at nigth, and "the man" came in and said: "Melody... I have a surprise for you... I hope you like it..." "A BLACKBERRY!!!?? OMG how did you knew?!"
"I just thought you needed to be in contact with your friends... an maybe... find your family..." "F-f-f-f-find MY FAMILY!?!??!"- i said. "But... if you really find them... I´ll have to ask you something..."