Untitled Part 1

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"Dean, I got accepted to Harvard." Cas said.

He was watching his boyfriend's face closely. This news could go either way, and he really, really hoped Dean wouldn't freak out over the news. They'd only been dating a few weeks and he was still so scared that one day Dean would wake up and change his mind, that he would suddenly decide Cas was the biggest mistake he had ever made. This fear had so far proven unfounded, Dean was the perfect boyfriend, loving and kind, and everything he could have wished for, yet still he had this nagging fear at the back of his mind that he couldn't shake. He'd known Dean his entire life and he knew how he was. How he used to be, and he couldn't help but feel like he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Dean smiled.

"That's fantastic! I know you've wanted to go there since we were like ten. I'm happy for you!"

Dean grabbed him, hugging him tight and Cas felt his worries slipping away. "Thank you. I'm excited."

He hugged Dean back, practically melting against him. "I applied to three schools in Massachusetts." Dean revealed when they sat back.

Cas' eyes went wide. "You did? What schools?"

He knew Dean's grades were really good, but he wasn't sure they were good enough to get into a school like Harvard. Dean was grinning wide. "Well, I knew I wouldn't get into a place like Harvard, so I didn't bother. Besides, I wasn't interested in law. That's Sammy's future, not mine. But I was thinking teaching might be pretty cool. So..."

He pulled a handful of envelopes from his back pocket and held them up. Cas snatched them from his hands and read the labels. The first one was for Northeastern University. It was already open so he knew Dean had read it. He opened it and pulled the letter out, scanning it quickly.

"Oh my God Dean! You were accepted!"

Dean's smile grew even wider.

"And the best part is that it's within walking distance of where you'll be."

His excitement was even more intense than Cas'. Cas was still in shock.

"When did you apply?"

Dean shrugged.

"I applied last year. I didn't want my best friend running off to Massachusetts without me. I applied to nearby schools."

Cas shook his head.

"You never cease to amaze me Dean."

Dean leaned in, kissing him.

"Good, that means I'll be able to keep you on your toes." He kissed Cas again. "This is my college of choice by the way."

Now he just had to break it to his family.

Dean went home with the letters in hand and found his mother in the kitchen preparing dinner. She looked up when he walked in, and then looked past him.

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