Camping Trip

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"Come on! Jump in! We're all doing it!"
"You... You guys want me to-to jump in with you?"
"Course! Strip and start swimming, babe!"
I giggle and take my cigarette between my middle and forefinger, throwing it onto a boulder and crushing it. I strip and slide into the warm river water, the other girls splashing me. We're all squealing, splashing and giggling when we hear a distant bang.
"What... What was that?"
We hear twigs snapping, panting and gasps. I flatten my back to a fallen trunk in the river. I beckon the other girls.
"Hello? Anyone? Oh shit. You don't need to hide-"
We hear coughing and splatters, along with swears from the Irishman. My hunting rifle is out of sight from where he's standing. I sprint from the bank and run over to it. I hold it up.
He closes his eyes and puts his arms up.
"Look... I... My dad kicked me from the campsite. I'll go. Sorry."
I sighed and pulled him back.
"You can't go out there!"
I had put a bra and panties on, real quick. Wrong ones, they were kinda see through.
"Thankyou-OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! How many bloody naked girls am I going to have to fucking scream at? PUT SOME GOD DAMN CLOTHES ON!"
He closed his eyes and groaned. He's kinda cute when he's angry. I'll talk to him. I pulled him away, giving him the rifle and made him patrol the area.
After we'd all gotten properly dressed, I looked around for him. He was walking around a small cliff when water and rocks came gushing down on him. We assumed there was a blockage of a small waterway. He yelled, ripped his shirt off and threw it. He ran his fingers through his hair, realising what he'd done. On the way back to my tent, I slapped together a small plan to spend time with him. I went and put on a blue GOTG shirt with some skinny jeans and slid my glasses on. I never know why I always pack my whole wardrobe whenever I go somewhere. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, yes. That'll do nicely. I lay on my stomach, my side facing the outside of my tent. I start reading. I hear the rattle and thud of a gun hitting dirt. I look around at him and wink.
"This tent's too big for just me...? You can stay in here."
"Are you sure that wouldn't invade your privacy?"
"Not at all..."
I doze off, staring at his chest.
"You better fucking stay away from her, you dirty prick!"
I hear whispers against him. He rolls his eyes and leans on my gun coolly. He tries to make small talk, but he can't say a word without the girls hissing at him. He loses his shit, and the ringing explosion of a rifle fills the starry night.
"Shut the fuck up you overprotecti-"
He stops himself and calms down.
"She's invited me to stay in there with her, so just fucking leave it! I tried to turn it down, SHES TOO GOD GAMN NICE, OKAY!?"
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair once more,
"Sorry, I'm just going to go to that waterway under the cliff, just to cool off  a bit."
He walks off, fists clenched.
"GIRLS! What in the fuck was all that?"
"We were trying to make sure that pervert doesn't touch you!"
"Brittany, are you as stupid as you're said to be?"
"No. Bitch."
"Everyone, it's... Midnight, go to sleep."

I'm awakened by the sound of grunting and growls. It's morning. I open the tent, and step out. I see him making a small firepit, sweat pouring off his naked chest. He notices my surprise.
He chuckles.
"Wha's your name?"
He asks, clearly curious.
"Diamond. Yours?"
"Sean. Nice t'meet yeh."
I walk away and open up my baseball bag.
"Hey! Sean! Catch!"
I throw him a mug. He smirks evilly and I continue getting the stuff for the coffee. Sean's not there, but I hear leaves rustling and grunting so I assume he's in the woods again, getting more trunks. I reach behind me and feel my back pocket and pull out a small box of cigarettes. I light one up and just relax. After a few good minutes, Sean pulls up with a rope over his shoulder. I lean back and look behind him, taking the cigarette out of my mouth. Two trunks slowly trail behind him. He drops them and collapses. I crush the butt and walk over to his side.
"Don't mind if I do."
He reaches behind me and takes the box and lighter, brushing his hand against my ass.
"Girls! Mind helping us move these trunks?"
"Move em' yourself. We don't want to touch that guy's trunks, you've probably been fucking-"
He yells.

After we've got a good fire going, it starts to grow dark. We all sit around the open flame and roast some marshmallows. Sean and I get drunk, as we're the only ones old enough, except Ashley. The small redhead sat down next to Sean and snuggled up to him. She obviously whispered sexual and dirty nothings on his pale ears. The fire rose into the night, forever burning in my heart as the day I met my love. That night Sean fell asleep on my bed. I snuggled up to him. Best. Cuddle. Ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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