Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Rosie Grey found herself in her fathers office in one of the chairs that she was sure now had her name on for the amount of times that she had been in the office with her father shouting at her and telling her how irresponsible she was, or how she was a bad role model to phoebe and she should look up to Teddy as an example of what a Grey child should do. Rosie was 16 years old, Teddy was two years her senior and had just headed off to Harvard University and Christian would not stop singing his praises; and Phoebe well the young 14 year old was smart she worked hard and dedicated herself to her school work and the good grades while Rosie was failing subjects such as maths and coming home with E's and F's all though the work was easier phoebe would come home with A's and then that was where the comparison and arguments would start.

Rosie was never sure where she fit in with the Grey family; she looked like Christian her copper colour hair that fell in louse curly waves down her back, the colour of her eyes the strong blue that if looked into would melt you. She even had his temper, the strong wildness the defiance and the hurt that was masked by other things within her life. She was a female Christian in looks and attitude and that scared the man.

You see Rosie was brought up as Anna and Christian's child but that was not the case, the child was simply a mistake. She wasn't meant to happen and he knew that she was supposed to be an unknown thing and to be honest he made sure that he would never have children. Of course that was before Anna came along and then I guess you could say that that was a different story. Christian remembered the night where his mother called him saying that he needed to come to the hospital, he was shocked at first but as he arrived and was told that the battered and bruised two year old on the bed shared the same DNA as him, he knew that she could not go back to what she had lived through before. Christian didn't want the child, it was Anna that did, how the child lay in the hospital bed, how the bruises were severe and she had multiple broken bones or how it was the police that found the child curled up in a ball upstairs when they busted the house. Who knew what it was but it made a pull on his heartstrings.

Maybe Christian saw something in Rosie, maybe that's why she's a Grey now.

Rosie was always told she was a Grey form the moment she entered the house and as her tiny brain at the age of two barley remembered a thing; well that was what Christian though. She was happy to follow the story that the Greys created. Rosie was a Grey that was clear it was who the mother was that worried Christian and it was times like this when she was sat in his office looking down at the ground and not holding his gaze did Christian fear that she was more like her mother than he had first thought.

Rosie jumped as the office door slammed shut and she could see her father's shiny shoes walk into the office, she had been sent to her father's office as no one was home. She knew that she was in deep shit as many of these problems were solved at home. As Christian looked out onto the streets of Seattle he sighed heavily and then turned to look at his daughter who would not hold his gaze. "Bunking?" Christian didn't get a response from the teen as her gaze leapt to the floor. "Giving security the slip?" Christian looked at his daughter and sighed. She wasn't aware the effect that this had on her future, or the amount of trouble and worry it had caused Christian when firstly the school called to say that she had not showed up and secondly when security called to confirm the fact.

Christian was well aware that he had dropped his daughter off this morning, they had both sat in the back of the car and had a weak conversation about friends and whether she had completed her school homework for the classes ahead this week, Rosie had nod her head at several question s and where there was not much more to talk about the car became rather awkward and for once Rosie had become thankful for being dropped off at school. Christian bid her a goodbye with a small wave as Rosie jumped out of the car so quickly dodging the awaiting hug and kiss that he had for her and walked onto the school campus. Christian had seen that with his own eyes.

Christian stared at his daughter intently wondering what Anna would have to say about not taking her home and dragging her to the office, but his anger over the current situation outweighed that problem in his head. "Well? Not only did your security team inform me of where you were that also informed me on who you were with." Christian watched Rosie's facial expression as she knew she had been caught for being around the boy Christian had clearly told her was bad news. "Well? Sitting here in silence is doing you no good is it?" the young child shook her head quickly and as Christian walked around the table the young child flinched and fear suddenly came upon her face.

It was that moment that Christian knelt down and picked up her gaze so that she was staring directly into his eyes "What's going on Rosie? What's happened to the girl that was careful and listened and was so desperate to please, I want her back Rosie I don't want this. Please we can't have moment where the only time we talk are you sitting in my office and me having to shout at you. It's becoming a daily occurrence and I don't have time for this." It was that statement that turned Amelia heart cold he didn't have time, didn't have time for her that's what she took out of it and as she sat there and listened to her father's supposedly heartfelt moment all she wanted to do was be someone's. Not be Grey just for a few moments.

Christian knew half way through the conversation Rosie's mind had been elsewhere and when he realised that he was done with the moment he walked back behind his desk and sat down in his chair scribbling a note down to remind him to do something later. It was then that he noticed that Rosie was paying attention, it was the way that her head came up and the look of uncertainty played in her eyes. "You are a smart girl Rosie." At hearing this she scoffed slightly and looked back down to the ground, Christian carried on as if he had not heard the girl "However the bunking, exclusions, detentions and overall behaviour at school needs to stop. So I've hired a tutor to teach you at home. Home-schooling if that's what you would like to call it, we can't have this behaviour and I need all of the Greys to have the brains to overthrow an empire if we need to. You need to find a subject that you enjoy. You are not far from going to Harvard and you need a career path. Do you understand me?" the young grey nodded her head at her father as the tears threaten to spill but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he had won.

As Christian looked back down at his work he quickly spoke "You can go, straight home and you are not to leave you are grounded. I will have someone take you home." With that Rosie got up off of the chair and walked straight out of the door. She hoped that she would be allowed to lock herself away and be left alone for the evening.

As she arrived home she noticed that her mum and phoebe were already home and rushed past them to get to her room where she quickly locked the door and let the tears fall subtly down her face. She wished that she knew why she was not like the Greys she wasn't smart she had no idea where she wanted to go or who she wanted to be and yet she was constantly told that being Grey comes with responsibility that she would understand as she got older. But Rosie knew somewhere in her heart she wasn't a Grey she had a feeling this wasn't where she belonged and as the tears fell she promised herself that she would truly find out who she was.

It was when Christian came home that night and when the kids were not downstairs did Anna ask what had happened. Christian sighed as he looked over at her he knew that she had to know and as he told her, Anna didn't know what to do with the Grey child. Anna knew that she would lock herself up there no one could get her out and the argument with food with Christian would happen and then it would end in the pair not talking and Anna being the glue for the family.

It was the shock on Anna's face when she saw the child walk down the stairs a bag in her hand and she realised that she had been caught, caught in the act of trying to be someone else for the night and not having to be a Grey. Anna's stern features were the first thing that sent Rosie turning around and walking back up the stairs, not noticing Christian yet; and as he noticed annals stern expression he turned around he saw Rosie with the bag and as she tried to make a quick exit up the stairs. Christian quickly followed her. 


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Anyone here that reads Joffrey Baratheons Downfall, Update coming tomorrow (24.04.16)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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