"Go on a date with me?"

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{Snipers POV}
I stayed locked inside my nest after I woke up this morning, the BLU teams medic always in my mind. His cute smile when he kills one of my teammates, that laugh that makes my body stiff, those eyes of steel blue that hypnotize me when he sees me across the field. I sigh and lay my chin in my palm, my eyes staring at the rock across the desert, the heat making me have hallucinations about me and the BLU teams medic, the two of us fighting side by side. I felt a smile spread across my lips as my eyes closed, in a daze daydreaming of all the things the two of us could accomplish together if we were a couple. As I was in my own world I didn't notice that just said medic had walked into my nest standing right behind me, until I hear a scream from behind me. That's  when I grabbed my rifle and pointed it directly at his face. "Woo hey now zher ist no need for zhat. It's  just me. Haha" I put my rifle down by my side, the once surprised look on my face turned to one of disappointment. "Bloody hell doc, oi could 'ave killed ya. Don't sneak up on me loik that." I smiled, when he gave me an apologetic laugh, I've always loved his laugh it makes my heart melt and my knees grow weak just at the mention of him. "So vhat are jou doing up here herr Sniper?" He walked over to one of the windows in the direction of his base. "Oi was just thinkin' about stuff oi come up ta moi nest when oi need ta think. It's calming." I sit back down after I position my rifle at the BLU Base because that is mostly where I'm shooting away so I just leave it there till the next battle starts. "Vhat vere jou zhinking about, if jou don't mind me asking zhat is." He looked back at me for a moment before looking back out the window. His lab coat swaying behind him because of the light wind blowing, his cow lick blending in with the rest of his hair to make it look slicked back. "Nothin' of importance mate, just stuff. And a certain someone in moi loif." "Really, who ist it?!" I jumped a little in surprise when he ran up to me, I could already feel my face getting hot as I looked down at him. I scoffed and started messing with my gun, changing out he settings on my scope. "It's no one you'd know, their just a person oi have like for some toim now. And oi am one hundred percent sure that they don't loik me back. Oi'm just a camper who lives in a van, who kills people for money." I was looking down at the floor by the time I finished my little episode, I could feel his stare burning in the back of my skull. "Zhat's not true, zhere ist somevon out zhere for jou. Jou just have yet to find zhem." I felt a firm hand on my right shoulder, a pair of black leather boots blocking my view of the wooden floor of my nest. 'He will never like me back, I'm the enemy for Christ's sake, I'm supposed to hate him not fall head over heels for him. God this is so frustrating.' I thought, pulling my hat down to cover my eyes, walking over to the wall of my nest. I leaned back and made myself comfortable against the wall. I saw a shadow standing above me, I knew it was the BLU Medic. "Hey, I'm jour best friend ja?" I nodded my head, my hat still in front of my face covering the growing blush on my cheeks. "Yeah, but this is somethin' that oi can't tell ya about mate. Oi'm sorry." He lifted up my hat by the front tip, taking it off my head and on his instead. "Nein, nein ich understand, ich have zhose days to. Vhats even vors ist zhat zhe person ich like is on zhe opposite team." He laughed and started messing with my hat, I smiled. "Ya know doc oi think ya look beta in that hat then oi do." My eyes were closed when i laughed at my own comment. And when I opened them I saw him standing there, his beautiful eyes staring into my very being, a gorgeous smile that I wish I could see every morning forever. "Jou zhink so? Do jou zhink ich could pull off being jou for a day?" I shrugged my shoulders and stood up, because I am much taller than him I towered over him. I grabbed my hat an placed it back on my head, the smile was still stuck on my face like glue to paper. "Battle starts in 5 minuets!" I saw him frown when he looked back towards me. "Hey don't feel bad Mate, we'll see each other again on tha battle field." I tried to reassure him, but I don't think that made him feel any better. "Ja, but if ich see jou ich am supposed to kill jou." "Oi know mate, but oi'll respawn soon and then when the battles ova you can come see me again. Ya know were oi'll be." He smiled and hugged me, I was stiff at first but soon melted into his warm arms. "Hey doc, there is somethin' oi need ta ask ya before ya go back to your base." He let go of my waist and looked up at me, a smug smile on his face. "Vhat is it herr Sniper?" I could feel my heart beating a million miles a minuet, my face felt like lava and my nerves were shooting through out my body. "Oi uh, was wonderin' if ya had any plans for this weekend. Oi thought that maybe me and you could uh," "Could vhat herr Sniper?" I started to scratch the back of my neck out of nervousness. "If maybe you'd loik ta go on a date with me? Its foin if ya don't want to oi understand." I looked away from him and towards the window in front of me, staring out into the distance. Well I was till I heard Medic laugh, I felt him pound on my chest out of laughter wiping away tears that had fallen from laughing to hard. "Sniper, ich vould be honored to go on a date vith jou." I was both shocked and filled with joy beyond compare. I picked him up and spun him around, the both of us laughing and smiling. "Battle starting in 20 seconds!" "Damn zhat voman, always ruining zhe moment." I laughed and with out thinking I kissed him. I could tell he went stiff, but I just stayed put hoping that he would return the movement. Right when I was about to pull away his hands pulled me back smashing our lips together in a loving kiss. When our lungs demanded oxygen we pulled away, our noses touching, smiles spread on both of our faces. "Doc, oi love ya, ya know that roight?" He nodded his head and kissed me again, we broke away when we heard Soldier yelling and a rocket being shot. "Shit, oi'm really sorry for what oi'm about ta do doc." He kissed my cheeks and jumped out the window of my nest. And at the perfect time to, RED Soldier had just rocket jumped and caught Medic in time. I saw the BLU teams medic snap our Soldiers neck and use his rocket to land safely on the ground, shouting at his teammates to move forward. "See ya tonight doc" Was the last thing I said before I readied my rifle for todays battle.

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