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"Tell me again about the colors," Newt bounced onto the couch next to Minho who was sleeping moments before.

"Newt!" Minho groaned as the blonde boy shook him.

"Please, just one more time Min!"

Minho sighed and stretched as he pulled himself into a sitting position. He patted the seat next to him and Newt crawled over excitedly.

"Everything has its own color. Black and white is still there but there a whole bunch more. The leaves on the trees change colors in the seasons and the sky does too," Minho couldn't help but smile at Newt's look of pure awe.

"I want to find my soulmate," Newt frowned as he buried his face in his knees.

"You will buddy," Minho rubbed his back softly, "she, or he, is out there somewhere."

He pulled a fake smile over his face and got off the couch, "you're right. They'll turn up soon enough."

Minho sighed. He knew it bothered his roommate that he didn't have a soulmate yet but avoiding the topic was much safer. It kept Newt happy as much as it kept Minho happy to see Newt happy. If that even made sense.

"Want me to make dinner?" Minho piped up, hoping for a no in reply.

"I'll order a pizza, we haven't had out in so long," Newt called back from the kitchen.

"Hell yeah!" Minho sprung off the couch excitedly, "you're the best!"

"I'll pay if you cover the tip?"

Minho covered his heart with his hands and sighed dramatically, "Newt, baby I'm disappointed you're not my soulmate."

"Shut up," Newt tried to hold back a laugh as he threw an over mitt at Minho's face.

"Yo watch the hair," he shouted as he swatted away the flying object, "no need to get your panties in a twist."

"For your information I only own manly boxer shorts," Newt crossed his arms, his cellphone dangling loosely from his hand.

"Newton, I love you but manly is definitely not something I'd use to describe you."

"You're such a dick!" Newt took off chasing Minho through the house.

Minho, being faster escaped into the bathroom and locked the door tightly before Newt could barge in.

"Call me when the pizzas here!" Minho snickered through the door.

"I'm really starting to regret rooming with you."


"You should start looking harder for your soulmate!" Teresa scolded as she shoved Thomas' shoulder.

"Sure T, I'll go touch everyone in this coffee shop right now," Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Why not?" She crossed her arms and frowned.

"Because! That's hella creepy!" Thomas protested loudly which earned some stares from innocent coffee drinkers.

"You did not just say hella," Teresa shook her head in disapproval.

"Stop worrying about my love life and focus on all the colors you can see," Thomas gestured around him as Teresa groaned.

"I accidentally bumped into Minho on the street and suddenly boom, colors. It really is that easy."

"Stop pressuring me, it'll happen when it happens," he threw a straw at her which just made her frown harder.

"Thomas, you're being a pain in the ass."

"It's my love life, not yours," he stuck his tongue out at her.

"I just want you to be happy Tom," she sighed lightly, "you deserve someone, you're a really good guy."

"Don't get all emotional on me now!" Thomas squeezed her hand in reassurance, "trust me, I'm happy right now. My soulmate will come along when the time is right."

She slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"Now, enough of all this soulmate talk, did you watch the Mets game last night?"


"Why would I want to go out with you and Teresa?" Newt crossed his arms as Minho looked up from his plate of pizza.

"Because! She's bringing her friend along who is very good looking if I may add."

"So you two suck faces while I talk to a bloody stranger?"

"Come on Newt! Please, she thinks you two will like each other!"

"If this is about setting me up Minho I swear to bloody hell...." Minho cut him off with a wave.

"No Newt, it's about a couple of friends just hanging out."

"Where?" Newt sighed, he knew he could never say no to his oddly annoying best friend.

"Just that bar down the street," Minho grinned, knowing he cracked Newt.

"Fine, whatever I'll go."

"Yes! You're the best! I'll tell Teresa you're in. You're seriously the best dude," Minho grinned as he ruffled Newt's hair and ran to his bedroom.

"I don't want to be out long!" Newt called after him but he knew there was no point. Once Minho wanted something he got it and there was no way Newt could make a difference.


"Come on Thomas! It'll be fun. You get to meet someone new, who Minho told me is super fun and super hot and first round of drinks is on me!" Teresa begged as Thomas shook his head.

"Don't sound so desperate T, of course ill go," Thomas laughed.

"Then why'd you decline the first time?" She rolled her eyes and stuck a hand on her hip.

"To push your buttons," he grinned, "but I'm not hooking up with this so called friend if that was your goal."

"You're so anti-love Tom, it's disgusting."

"You're so heart-eyed over Minho, THATS disgusting."

"Have you SEEN the size of his arms, and oh god his abs," Teresa put a hand on her forehead and fluttered her eyes shut.

"I officially hate being your friend," Thomas shook his head lightly.

"Aw hush, you don't."

"Wait you said the first round is on you does that also include food?"

Hey guys! It's me again! I decided to start another Newtmas fanfiction because I really loved writing my last one and I miss writing a lot. I missed you guys. So I hope you like this so far :) thanks for giving it a chance

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