Chapter One

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"Don't." The girl shook her head, looking away from the man who stood in front of her. "Don't touch me." The man looked down at his feet in shame, sighing as he took two steps back before looking up at the girl again.

"You don't have to do this." He said, his eyes were turning a pinkish red as they swelled up with tears.

The girl nodded and let out a painful cry. "Yes I do." She said, her voice matched the way her hand was shaking so violently as she took the knife to her throat, blood poured out, staining her white dress. The white lace dress the man had bought her recently for her 21st birthday.

Three years earlier

Robin Matthews had recently graduated from Gettysburg Area High School. She was only 18 years old, but she left her parents home and moved to New York City, a dream of hers since she was in diapers. With fall starting, that meant school was starting and Robin was to be a freshman at NYU. Her life was perfect, that was until her long time boyfriend who had planned to go to NYU with her, called her up to tell her that he had slept with someone else and that their relationship was over.

"Robin?" The boy on the other end of the phone said, his voice cracked a bit as he said her name. "I slept with Vicki last night." This he said quite calmly, which made Robin's heart hurt worse. " And I just can't be with you anymore, being with Vicki made me realize I can't be with you, I haven't been in love with you for the longest time. You never let me even touch you!" He shouted the last part.

Robin couldn't listen anymore and she hung up the phone, cupping her face in her hands as it rained down on her as she sat on a bench outside of the bus station. Everyone always told her that Dean would leave her if she didn't put out. But Robin had always been uneasy when it came to sex and she thought Dean understood that. Obviously, he didn't.

The taxi pulled up in front of Robin, she quickly whipped the tears away and stood up from the bench and rolled her two suitcases over to the taxi. The taxi driver put her suitcases into the trunk and drove her to NYU, the place that she'd spend the next 4 years at as she studies in criminal justice.

When she arrived to her dorm room, her roommate was already there. "Hi!" The girl with shoulder length blonde hair waved at Robin with a bright smile. "I'm Casey!" She said glancing at both beds, one to the right and one to the left. "Which side do you prefer?" Casey asked as Robin smiled through the pain in her heart. 

"Left, I guess." She giggled a little, trying to put Dean out of her mind. Casey's blonde hair and blue eyes reminded her of Vicki, although Vicki was much more slutty and evil looking. Unlike Robin.

Although Robin wasn't the prettiest girl, she wasn't ugly either. She wore her clothes nicely, she had auburn colored hair that went just a little past her breasts, which was usually straight but she would curl it on special days. Her eyes were green and her body was curvy. Dean would often ask her why she seemed so insecure about her body. Robin wasn't insecure though, she just didn't feel ready to engage in sexual actions.

"I'm Robin, by the way." She said to Casey as they both started unpacking their things and turning their dorm into something that was theres. Casey faced Robin and smiled then glanced down at the stack of CDS that were now spread across Robin's bed. Her eyes lit up.

"You like Elvis Presley?" She asked in excitement as she walked over to Robin with a skip. Robin nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, a lot." She snickered and unzipped her hoodie, revealing a tank top with Elvis' face in the middle of it. Casey smiled and snickered before skipping over to her bed and taking the same tank top out of her suitcase, they both laughed and their roommate status quickly bloomed into best friend status.

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