The Letter

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One day Marlee was at the library and of corse she was reading some books.Sadly Marlee is the girl who gets beat up, and so while she was looking for a good book to read they tripped her but instead of being offended she look at the book case and saw at the very tippy top there was a dusty old book. And so while the other kids ran away laughing she just got up and got the book.


So as I grabbed the book and set it down on a table and blow dust off of it I see a paper tapped to the book that skids "do not read" but I just rip it off and check it out. I what until I got home to open it, so as soon as I get home I run run to my and lock the door. I open it and its some old journal and as I flip through the pages a old, dusty note falls out that is written in Greek luckily sense we are studding Greek I have a Greek dictionary and as I look the words up and write the note in English on a paper it saids "hom ever read this must be alone and salve the riddle to find the secret door in Trymore high school- follow the path to where books lie and find a book that rest on the ground read it then take the book and go in the room where the spiders live and go through the tunnel but watch for spiders and pick the book that lies on the shelf and go down the starecase and put the three books in the holder and then you shall fall and rest on a bed, go out the door turn left ONLY go down the hallway go down the stairs and look around"

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