Jeff. I need you... | Chapter 1

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Journal Entry 1.1
Today was the same as any other. I got beat up. At school and at home and I have additional bruises on both my arms and legs. Now I'm just crying with my knees up to my chest. Every day this happens. But the days that seem to be peaceful and not a pain in the ass, are the days where I get to school and relax by myself in the playground while listening to people scream in horror on my headphones. The sound of the people suffering makes me feel so relaxed. I never know why. But every time I listen to the screams on my headphones, a kid from my history class, Jeff, sits next to me. For some reason, he always hides his face with his hoodie and has a deep mysterious voice. He brings me drawings, or as I call them presents, that say, "Go To Sleep, My Child" written in some thick red ink. I collect them and now I have 8 of them. Sometimes, I feel like Jeff is in my imagination. He never gets called in history class and he randomly disappears after giving me the presents. I know I have black hair and I always wear a grey hoodie to school, but that doesn't mean I'm an emo person. This girl, Jayden, bullies me and teases me at school because she thinks I'm emo. I'm not. She's a bitch. Jeff cheers me up all the time. He tells me sometimes to tell Jayden to "go to sleep" or whatever that means. Every night, before I go to bed, I mentally say, "I need you, Jeff."

Jeff The Killer ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now