Chapter 1
-Nioma's Point of View-
The bell rang. Finally! I hated College. I was getting my undergraduate degree, but i never completely understood why everyone needs to "major" in something. Cant i just have a little bit of everything and get by? I mean i'm 23, do i need to know rocket science? Plus I don't think i'm gonna major in anything. I go to this college on scholarship anyway. I waited a few hours, until it was 15 minutes to midnight. I got my purse with a few essentials and walked to the door.
"Where are you going?" I heard a familiar voice call out.
I turned, and saw my room mate, Cathy, standing in the small thing we call a kitchen. "I was gonna go eat at the park" I said. "They have this beautiful fountain in the middle, with clear liquid, and the moon illuminates everything. And they have this Crepe stand open 24/7" I said. Cathy crossed the room, and opened the blinds, letting in moonlight. She gave me a look
"What?" i asked
"You always sneak off to that park during full moon" she said.
Surely enough, there was the moon, a big white sphere illuminating the sky. I got lost in the way the moon lit up the whole sky, like the sun, but not bright enough to extinguish our view from the stars. I saw as all the dots stood their in perfect place, the moon being one big dot.I began driffting into a world where i could softly fly through the clouds. I heard the stars singing my name. "Nioma... Nioma... Nioma..." until they started getting loud and i realized Cathy was calling me. "Earth to Nioma!" She said
I shrugged "I like the moon.." I looked around "Koray?" I called. My Pet tiger came out, yawning and looking at me groggily. He seemed to notice I had my purse, and since we've done this so many times before, he got somewhat excited. He loved the park. He looked at Cathy with his Orange Eyes.
"You think after living with someone since the begining of college would get them used to seeing a White Striped cat prowling the house. Why do you call him Koray?" She asked. She always asked a lot of questions.
"Koray Means Ember moon in Turkish" I said matter-of-factly. "If you're Japanese why do you Turkish?" Cathy asked judgementally. She never really liked me, she thought I was strange, But I didn't really mind. I said nothing. I'm Japanese, but I speak perfect english, Thank you very much.
"I would say you're going to see a friend, but you don't have many friends" she said trying to hurt me. It didn't. All my friends live scattered around the world, and I was fine with that. I shrugged. She always got angry at me, because I never go out of my way to talk to someone, they have to talk to me first, unless i'm interested in someone. But that rarely happens, my life is very boring
I started walking out the door and closed it behind me. I checked my phone, and saw it was 13 minutes to midnight. Some strange feeling kept telling me something would happen at the park at midnight. It was strange but i followed my instinct
The back of my white flowy was flowing a little bit behind me in the breeze of New York. It was a high-low shirt, the ones that are longer in the back, made out of silky material. I walked and got lost in thought, until Koray nudged me, telling me that we were at the park.
"Koray, What would I do without you?" I said softly and he simply purred as I scratched the back of his ear.
"The usual Please" I said when I got to the counter. They share storage rooms with the fish store next door, so I always get a fish for Koray. The man nodded and prepared my dish, while I mindlessly walked outside, and sat on the edge of the fountain staring at the beautiful scene. Koray happily attacked the Salmon he ate.
Then a black car pulled up but i thought nothing of it. It's new york, a lot of strange things happen. I softly hummed to myself, when a man walked out of the car. I look at him. He was a little bit shorter than the average guy his age, and i'd guess he's 27? He walked in a determined way, somewhat looking for someone, but you could see that he couldn't see things very well. I would go up and offer to help, but it's not my thing. I'm not shy, i'm just.... peaceful...
I felt as my long blue hair flowed in the wind. My hair is really long, I just never want to cut it, it's Naturally straight, i get that from my heritage.
*Third Person Point Of View*
He couldn't see well in the dark. He had oustanding vision in the day, but not in the dark. He looked around and saw few figures. Then his eyes landed on a girl, sitting on the edge of the fountain, the fountain iluminating her gently. She had long blue hair that wasnt dark but wasn't light. 'Almost as beautiful as Tasha.' the thought. 'But in a different way.'
He decided that had to be her, and walked up to her. Up close he could see her grey eyes, and was surprised. She was really pale. "Are you Ms. um.... um.... I can't pronounce that" he said in a way that sounded more mean than he meant. He didnt know what he expected, but her response wasn't it. "Kawasaki" she kindly said. It sounds exactly how it's spelled. "Yes i'm gonna need you to come with me, its recruition for an agency." She stood up, through the cone that was holding her food away, and nodded.
He began leading her back to the car. He noticed a huge white cat following. "Um is that Cat yours?" he asked "Its a White tiger actually, but close" she said with a soft giggle. He held the door open for her and she let out a soft thank you.
Ok guys i really hoped you like that! Its not my normal way of writting but I just decided, ey why not. I know some peope hate third person, i'm sorry if you are one of those people. I'll get back to you with more, Your adoring author, -Amara (The 7th avenger)