☆Chapter 1☆

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♡Robin's (P.O.V)♡
"Robin...Robin please wake up." I heard Star's voice.

I opened my eyes Star was sitting on my bed. It was still night time.

"What's wrong Star?" I asked.

"I can't sleep. May I sleep with you?" Star asks.

With that I slid on the other side of my bed and she lays in the bed with me. My arms wrapped around her waist holding her closer to me. Her arms on my bare chest.

"Star. Are you okay?" I asked.

♡She hesitated♡

"Star what's wrong please tell me." I said worrying.

"Do you love me?" She says desperately.

"Star of course I love you. Why you ask?" I questioned.

"I want you to be my protector. Will you take me into your life and never let go?" Starfire replied.

"Star yes I promise." I told her.

Starfire kisses me on my lips...her saliva went in my mouth...what does all this mean?

Starfire ended the kiss and she lays back on my chest asleep. I'm still confused why that happened. Of course I'll protect her and keep her safe I'm her boyfriend/leader. I'm planning to get married with her but not sure when I'll ask her. Then some reason I blacked out fast asleep.


♡Starfire's (P.O.V)♡
The next morning was a beautiful sunny day. Okay I'm going to say something to you people.

*So the reason last night happened because Robin is the one I could trust to keep me safe. My saliva went into his mouth and no that was not bad. Actually the saliva went into his mouth and me transferring my blood to him. What I mean is my powers are in my blood and I shared my blood with him so now he's part Tamerain as well.*

Robin wakes up and he goes outside and just sits there. I decided to go up there and talk to him.

"Hey Robin." I replied sitting down.

"Morning Star." He says back.

"So whatcha thinking about?" I asked him.

"Just enjoying my moments on us." He puts his hand on the floor.

I put my hand in his and our hands were glowing. His hand is blue mines green. The powers most be inside him. I looked at his eyes he smiles at me. He then noticed that our hands as well. I took my hand off his and his starbolts shot me and I had fell off the tower. Robin had flew down to catch me and his hand grabs mine. We flew back on to the tower and we sat down once again.

"You okay Star? I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry." Robin says concerned.

"I'm fine Robin nothing injured or bruised." I said calming him down.

"I never had powers before. Star what's happening to me?" He asks.

"My powers are in you." I finally explained.

"What? How?" Robin says confused.

"Did the salvia go down into your mouth by any chance?" I asked.

"I think...yep so that means I have your..." I interrupted him.

"You have my powers. Half my blood and part Tamerain." I said.

"Star this is what you meant last night?" Robin asks.

I nodded.

♡His face stood still♡

I hope I didn't hurt or upset him in a way.

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