It All Began

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It began as I walked into the school gates. There he was my future husband, I knew I had to go and ask his name and it was Alek Fisher. He was like the hoty In school.

I couldn't wait for class to end (a bit more than usual), as I was invited to play with them. I was like YAYZEES and he was like O MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT GIRL. In period two I sad next to him. We had history and it sooooo boring but he made it interesting. I felt like we were clicking.

When I told my mum she reacted like she wanted to see who he was like right this second. It was like a dream come true.

I couldn't tell if this was real or a dream. I pinched my self and found myself lying in bed. O no I thought to myself. Anyway what possibly could go wrong.
* * *

I walked in the school gates to see NO cutie standing there, and then I tripped. When I looked up the hoty was standing right above my head. I felt soo stupid. Okey I thought to myself if entry went wrong what else could go wrong. But I said that to soon.
It was actually only in maths class that the next insadend happed. We were doing a pop quiz and he answered every word correct except 1 as I put my hand up to answer. The question was if a+dog= a what does a stand for. I said a unicorn. The guy said corn. Of course who do you think was going to win, a looser who can't even entre properly or a guy who is super cute....
Well done a guy who is super cute.

When the day finished I went home to find a mystery phone number on my desk. I rang it to find a old lady answer it she said " you must be Aleks girlfriend, " I quickly hung up and said is this all a dream. But sadly it wasn't. I went to my mum for advise and she said just go to bed and I'll see. So I did that and everything seemed as if it was all a dream.(Even though it wasn't). LOL.

The next day I made a friend called Sicky Vicky. Every day she comes in with something new wrong with her. Alek came up and said u hung up on me. I was wordless. I said "how did u get the number on my desk." He said really quickly becauseinourbiggerbrotherdiditforme. I said okey cool. (Not really caring).

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