The Final GoodBye.

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This is for y/n and for any boy of One Direction you like so imagine it is you with the boy you like.


Chapter 1~ This Is Only The Beginning.


It was a normal morning my alarm clock woke me up as usual. it was a school day oh how i dreaded being the new kid in a new school.. I got up brushed my teeth and changed into my uniform (i know what your thinking! i hate uniforms) let me introduce my self! i am Y/c and I'm Y/a i have curly hair blue/green eyes that i love! i don't have that many friends... I get bullied a lot from every school i went to.. Well i think that's good enough! Anyway i got ready and changed into my polo and khakis and waited for it to be time to leave to go to school and i looked at the time and it was time for me to go on my bus. So i walked across the street to my bus stop and once i step foot onto my bus everyone had their eyes on me and i got so nervous and embarrassed because we had to wear a uniform and i couldn't wear my sweater so my skinny body showed to everyone and i hated it i know that they were talking about me.. So i was in the middle of the bus and the seat next to me was with this guy lookin out the window so i asked him politely "excuse me but is this seat taken?.." The guy said "no. You can sit here." So i sat down next to him and put my bookbag on the floor next to my feet and grabbed my phone and went on it. He asked "is that your phone?." And i was like "yea it is.. Nothin much but its somethin ya know?" So he said "yea." And i was really nervous and i guessed he knew i was so he said to me "why are you so nervous?" And i told him "because im new here and i know nobody including you, and im surprised that you are talking to me. I thought that being the new kid nobody would want to talk to me and would rather hate me instead.." So he then told me "you may not know me but you will once we start talking more, and i would never hate you , you seem like a nice person and i would like to get to know you better!" After he told me that he gave me hug and i was shocked that he did that but i hugged him back anyway so i said to him "why are you being so nice to me?" He looked at me like i was crazy and said "because i want you to be my friend! :)


Chapter 2~ Who Knew That This Would Happen.

~At School~

I walked to my locker and somehow everybody new i was the new kid and put lots of hateful things in my locker since i didnt have a lock yet and all i saw was writings that said "you slut" "i hate you" "anorexic" "skinny" "fuck you" "why are you here" the list went on and on that fell out of my locker. So i quickly closed my locker and ran out the school but before i could get out my friend y/b/f/n stopped me and said "what happened? Whats wrong?" But i just turned around shook my head and cried cause of those notes i saw, and once i did turn around everybody was laughing at me. So i ran out and i dont know where i was going but i found out i was at like a park and i saw a bench and cried into my hands for what seemed like hours i was close by my house and it was dismissal and the bus came to my bus stop so i quickly ran home and ran into my bathroom and i cried.. I didn't know what to do with my life it was only my first day and i was getting hate! I didn't want to go through that anymore so i found my blade and i cut my wrist so many times i lost count and i didn't care i just wanted to die because i got hate all my life and i didn't want to be living anymore and i cut one more time and i lost my grip of my blade and began to feel dizzy and i tried to stand up but i couldn't i just fell right back down. I was covered in my own blood that was pouring out of my cuts so fast i knew i wouldn't make it in time to save myself so i slowly died away from my life,family,and friends but i knew i was going to be in a happy place anyway so i shyly smiled as i finally drifted away from everything i had but i didn't care. I died and i felt free i was in a happy place and i know i should've said good bye to everyone first but i didn't have enough time i wanted to get this over with and look at me now im happy! I will miss all of my family and friends but to those that wrote those things to me that day and to those people before i would haunt them forever and make them suffer till they die im going to show them how i felt and they will remember who is doing this to them and they will regret everything they did to me and try to talk up above for my forgiveness but i would never forgive them for the pain that they caused me.

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