The Awakening

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     My eyes open, light and color rushing through. All the color then fades to a red. Everything's a bright blur of red. Pixels begin to form, different shades of red appear and begin to form shapes. Familiar shapes I can't quite recognize. I see a long rectangle appear with the words, "loading surrounding." The bar begins to fill with black, it feels  like forever until it fills the bar completely. Everything goes to black, the bar now gone with nothing in sight.

     A surrounding appears. A very familiar surrounding. A field. I stand alone, no one in sight, just animals, trees and crops. I take a step when the words, "Welcome to the first United States ww3 training simulator." Appear in front of me. I reach out in attempt to touch the words but a shock races through my body. The surrounding then changes to a black room, no one there, no animals, no noise. A females voice begins to fill the room, "Follow the rules 112.73, or else there will be con-" her voice cuts out. I stand there unfazed and confused. What is this, why am I here, who am I? I ponder these questions in hope to find an answer, yet none comes. The woman's voice return, but this time it's distorted. The words are too hard to recognize through the mechanical, or robotic noises, "...DEATH!..." Is all I can make out. I step back only to fall off of some sort of  edge.

     I continue falling, time having no meaning. The black void begins to turn into a blue. First dark, second lighter, all the way up to a royal blue. I see fish all around me. Light colored coral covers the ground along with light to dark sand. I'm in the ocean. When I realize this, I suddenly can't breath. Gasping for breath, I attempt to swim to the surface. I see a bright light, the sun, I reach out to it only to sink at a rapid speed towards the bottom. All the colorful fish turning to various sharks and piranhas. The coral turning to metal spikes. The word 'death' finally hits me. I can't let death come upon me. I can't let the women succeed in killing me. This feeling. I don't recognize it. Yet, I believe it's known as determination.

     The scene changes once more, I appear in a room of white. I turn around seeing nothing but an endless white void. I look at my hands, one of flesh and one of metal. Metal. Is it a glove, an illusion, a joke? "I see u have completed to determination test." I turn around seeing a women in all white. White flats. White pants. White hair tucked in a neat bun. "Stay determined through the war... War... WAR."  Her neck begins to twitch unnaturally. It begins to allow blood to flow and stain her once-white attire. She begins to choke on the blood starting to flow from her mouth as she gets out one word. War. The floor fills with a pool of expanding blood. The woman takes a step towards me and begins to put herself into a run. I brace myself  due to my lack of defense. I have no weapons, is this the end of whatever this is? Is this my life? Is this all I'm for, some defense program? She continues racing towards me when suddenly everything freezes, the woman, the blood that's now up to my waist, even he clothes as they were flowing behind her as she ran. I attempt to move but can't. I'm frozen as well. The scene glitches out.

     My eyes shoot open for the second time. I awake trembling. What's happening? Where am I now? I try to look at my hands but find them strapped down. I attempt to move my head but fail, it's strapped down as well. I examine my surroundings or whats in front of me rather. I see a sink. On the left of the sink are a few vials contained with unknown liquids. On the right of the sink is a big, clear container of metals. Bolts, nuts, sheet metal, and more, the container was closed with a clear lid with blue handles one each side of it to keep the lid secure. On top of the lid was a stick welder and a helmet with a dark screen in the front. Scraps of metal were thrown everywhere and notes were stuck above the sink. Reading:
It's not possible.
This project is a failure!
What have I become?
Does it work?
Does she work?

     The notes are obviously no help, just random thoughts of some person who obviously had doughs. And possible suffered from loneliness cause why the fuck would I be strapped down in some persons living quarters if it wasn't because they were lonely? Maybe I'm a test subject. God, it's Hitler all over again. I attempt to free myself using all my strength, but the whole left side of my body is sore. I let out a gasp of pain only to hear footsteps coming towards me. My right arm becomes free from the straps and I start to search for something to take the rest of the straps off. The footsteps come closer. My hand reaches something creating a metallic cling. The foot steps stop. I grab what  ever it was and hold it in front of my face. It's a knife. I cut the strap off of my neck. When the knife reaches my neck I feel no pain. I cut the strap off of my right ankle, again no pain. I take the knife to my left wrist and start sawing the strap. The strap falls but I am unaware of it. The knife saws through my wrist. I let out a cry in an attempt to be quiet. The footsteps begin again but slower this time as if whatever it was was scared. Finally, I carefully cut off the last strap and slid off of the vertical table I was strapped to.

     I looked at my left wrist only to see my flesh sawed off to the bone. It leaks a strange light blue fluid. I rip off some of my shirt in attempt to creat a bandage to seal the wound when suddenly I hear the sound of a doorknob turning through the sound of something throbbing inside me. I drop the fabric and approach the door a couple feet beside me. I hold the knife close to my chest as the doorknob continues to slowly turn. A click sounds in the door. It begins to slowly open. I see the shadow of a man on the wall outside of the room through the door. I brace myself with the knife as the door fully opens. As I get ready to jump on the man and impale him with the knife, he speaks. "I'm now your master."

     "You're not my fuckin' master!" I snap at him. I hear a click noise and look up at the man. He only looks about 15. But had ears I didn't recognized. I shake off his appearance. As I attempt to raise the knife I realize I can't move. The world begins to fade away and all I can see is his wolfish face looking at me with a look of joy. He smiles at me and mouths the word 'Sorry'. I calm down and let myself fall to the ground. I see the words, 'Powering down' appear in the hazy world he made me drift off to. My eyes close allowing the darkness to take over.

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