1: Nefarious Doctor Wun

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The glow of arcing electricity lights up the lab. Steel panels and unlit screens flash with bright white, blue, and purple light.

Nefarious Doctor Wun raises his welding mask and takes a step back, nefariously. He studies his work, humming and nodding to himself with that evil grin he wore so wickedly.

On the table before him is a device not unlike a sonic screwdriver, except different. It's Nefarious Doctor Wu's greatest invention yet: a device to make any Pokémon Shiny!

Smiling like an evil child in an evil candy shop of horrors, he grabs the device from the table. Delusions of making millions from illegally bred Shinies danced in his head like breadplums and sugarloaves or whatever danced around those kids' heads in that Christmas song. Nefarious Doctor Wun didn't know which, for the Vietnamese orphanage he grew up in never celebrated Christmas.

Turning from the table and striding from his main lab, Nefarious Doctor Wun directed himself into the pens: caged Pokémon kept to be experimented on. Passing by the rows of cages, he just couldn't decide which Pokémon to Shiny-fy first. He passed endless cages of Bidoofs and Zigzagoons, coops of Fletchlings and Pidgeys, and pools of Magikarp.

"No, no," snarled Nefarious Doctor Wun. "I need something that'll really catch the eyes of my investors. No one cares about these stupid Sentrets, or Elekids, or Abras. What I need is something unconventional, something relatively unheard of, something--"

Nefarious Doctor Wun paused, his loping gait suddenly frozen. He rocked back into place, his gaze whipping to face a pen he had almost forgotten. Inside the pen, in a small pool almost too small to hold, were six Lapras. They pleaded to their keeper for freedom, dead eyes grown waxy to the dark of the underground lair.

"Of course...." said Fiendish Doctor Wun, his whole face contorting into a vile snicker, not unlike that of the Grinch... except different.

Fiendish Doctor Wun rushed back to the control room at a speed perhaps dangerous for someone of his age and build. Finding himself at the helm of a control panel, large enough to intimidate an everyman but childish to a man like Fiendish Doctor Wun, he raised a safety cover and flipped a switch. Before him, an immense rolling steel door opened like the gaping maw of a sleeping giant. With a few more inputs and the swish of an arthritic wrist, a giant robotic arm swung the Lapras pen into view and set it in the center of the giant testing floor.

The walls of the Lapras' enclosure fell outward in each direction, crashing into the cold cement floor with a thunderous *KERR-ANG* that echoed throughout the testing chamber. The water, stale with age and yellowed by the rusty enclosure, rushed and spilled outwards onto the floor, sending the six Lapras siblings sliding onto the cement. They cried out, stretching their flippers for the first time in too long.

In the control room, from behind a thick glass window, Nefarious Doctor Wun nearly couldn't hold in his excitement. Eyes flickering with villainy, he rushed to an elevator and punched the button to go down. Springing into the elevator, he made his was down into the testing chamber, precious invention in hand.

Stepping out of the elevator, his Feraligatr shoes clacked and echoed on the ground. He stepped cautiously to the young Lapras, still trying to recover from the muscle atrophy one experiences being trapped in a cage from birth.

Nefarious Doctor Wun had spent so much time preparing his invention and planning this experiment he didn't need to look down to adjust his mal-intended gizmo. With the speed of a Smash player, he made a few adjustments and prepared his firing stance.

Nefarious Doctor Wun raised his device at the Lapras siblings. His mouth slowly curled into a vicious smile, eyes squinting from the force of his flexing cheeks. The old muscles in his forearm flexed while he pulled the trigger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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