Chapter 7

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Mya's Pov

Things were not goin as planned , you'd think august would be a gentlemen and help choose an outfit for the dinner tonight guessed wrong.

"August!!" I whined "come help meee find something i really wanna look pretty for your momma" i could hear him suck his teeth.

"Wha'chu talkin bout you look pretty in everything you wear matter of fact you look beautiful right na" i rolled my eyes. He does irritate me soo much. I hate when he does sweet talk me. How i pose to be rough now ?

"August!!" I hear him and i feel the bed bounce signaling me he got up. I was relieved on the inside.

"Aight mama lemme go have a look"

For a moment it was too quiet way too quiet.

"August ?" This fool didnt leave me did he ?

"Goddamn Mya i didnt know you like Victoria secret" my mouth dropped open in shock.

"August !!" I shrieked i picked up my pillow and aimin it in a place where i think he is. He however begins laughing.

"Too late na , a nigga done got a hard on" he muttered to himself only but i heard him and i covered my face with my hands. I am sure my face was red like a tomato.

"Close my panty drawer!!" I yelled at him. Oh god this is embarrassing.

"Buh ma-"
"Close it!!"

He sighed. " Fine, but i'm taking some of these home with me"
Oh my god , could this get any worse ?

"August put back my panties!!" I shrieked as he laughed. His laugh was contagious. I began laughing with him as well.

"How i pose to sleep if i dont got yo dawny smellin panties?" I could tell he was holdin back his laugh. This boy is a joke i swear.

"Just like how you sleep everynight " i got off my bed.

"Aight aight i'll put it back"
I sighed in relief.

"Well i guess its back to imaginin you in my bed in-"

"Oh my god-shantiiiii!!!" He began laughin.

August was no help i swear. After i kicked him out of my room, shanti helped me find some thing to wear.

"He yo man ?" she asked me while fixing my hair. "Nope , he just a friend of mine, a close friend, why ?" she was asking like it was a problem.

"Well i mean Mya .." she sighed and i assume she finished my hair and sat in front of me. "August a fine man, he seems generous but mya dont forget about your condition , dont fall for him to easy because he could just be takin advantage-" mood switch. See that i was happy two seconds ago and then she brings this up.

"Why whenever i finally find someone besides rebecca that i can trust people keep tellin me this ?? Why must i always be reminded that i am blind ? well, hell i already know , everybody knows. August is not that type so dont even start this. " i was frustrated.

What ? does everybody want me to be lonely ? hell i know i'm blind . Regardless of whatever we can avoid gettin hurt no matter what.

"That's not how -"

"You know thats how you meant it" i heard her sigh. why would she all of a sudden come up with-. No way . "Sha is you jealous ?"

"Of what Mya ? being blind?" that struck a nerve. That's when i knew it was my cue to leave. I got up and was about to leave. "Oh crap, Mya no , i didnt mean it , it just slipped out " she held on to my wrist but i snatched my hand out her grasp. I felt for the door and opened it.

"August!" i called out for him and in a flat 3 seconds i felt him plant a kiss on my cheek. "Do i even need to say how beautiful you look ?" his cheesy self. I blushed. "C'mon lets go" i muttered to him.

He started pullin me out side. He closed my front door and he came up and hugged me from behind."If only you knew how beautiful you are " he dropped his head in the crook of my neck. I felt shivers go through my body.

"I am actually more curious about how you look " he pulled away and held my hand. "Nuh uh , you aint wanna know that yet" while pullin me towards the car i suppose.

"Why ?"

"I am already struggling Mya if you were able to see me .. hell you wouldn't wanna hold back, and that aint good Mya .. church girls gotta wait till they get married" i was confused, What ? i dont understan-oh. This guy . My cheeks started heatin up as i smacked his arm. He laughed loudly. This boy finna drive me crazy. After he helped me in, he got in and we were on the way to his momma house. Well his house.


August pov

"Now let me warn you .. My momma crazy as hell-" we were on my doorstep when the door open revealing my mother. " Boyyy , would you get inside and stop feeding the child lies" she yelled . I started mumblin under my breath. "Wha'chu say ?" she narrowed her eyes at me.

I looked up quickly and flashed her a big smile "Nothing mama, luh you" I could hear Mya chucklin in the back of me. Yeaa , that's what she like . Stupidness.

I pulled her in. My mommy greeted her and hugged her like there was no tomorrow. "Now you kids gone and relax ,i still gotta finish cooking " Mya jumped in quickly " Oh lemme help " but then she caught herself "I mean , can i help ?" My momma laughed at her and told her okay.

I didnt know she like to cook. I like to cook too but sometimes i get lazy. All i know when we get married she going be cooking 60% of the time- lord jesus did i just say married? Oh god.

what the hell mya doin to me ?!

After 25 minutes of waiting i get bored and i felt the need to go see Mya , just when i get up i hear a loud scream. I run in the kitchen like my life depended on it.I see Mya holding her hand which was bleeding.

I walked up o her and i get to see that she cut her thumb finger and it was deep. She wasnt crying but she looked like she wanted to.

"It's my fault i made you cut , that's not smart i'm sorry " my momma said , she had a look of shame on her face . That's when i knew my mommy really liked Mya.

"No no no , i was persistent i didnt leave you no choice" she chuckled softly. "Damn right" i muttered. Which earned me a smack from my momma. "Oww.. damn momma" i rubbed the back of my head. Mya was chuckling even though she in pain. Well aint that somethin.

I grabbed her by the hand and led her to the bathroom, so i could wash off the blood. She winced when the water began washin the blood away.

I turned off the pipe and it was still bleedin so it left me no choice. I sat her on the bathroom counter and I took her thumb and began sucking the blood from her thumb. She tense up at first but then she relaxed.

When i was done without lookin up i took the first aid and banded up her thumb. When i was done, i looked up and i could see desire in her eyes or love, i didnt miss the tear drops on her face.

"My daddy used to take care of me just like how you did just now" i see another tear roll out her eye. I kissed it away as i pressed my forehead against hers. "You know i'll aways be here for ya" she placed her hands over my neck.

I dont know what came over me , but i felt like she was mine when in reality she wasn't. Yet. I Ieaned in closer to her. I felt like she wanted exactly what i wanted right now. I leaned in and pressed my lips softly against hers. It lasted like what 5 seconds, without a doubt i leaned back in and kissed her. Her lips were so damn soft. Hell i felt like i was in heaven . Lord knows how crazy i'm goin on the inside. When she moaned softy from the kiss i had to end it there.

"Now now Mya, i'm trying real hard for you to keep your virginity card" i teased, she turned red out of shock and slapped my arm , while i laughed at her.

"i'm jus playin m-"

"August! i know yall aint tryna make babies in my bathroom!" she yelled as we both broke out laughing.

I hope yall liked it if you did please do vote and if yall found something funny please comment i would like to see your reactions !! Dont forget to share with ther friends as well! Excuse my spelling grammars if any .

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