Please take care of him

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To The Girl Who Replaced Me, Please Take Care Of Him

Dear Replacement,

There are a few things I think you should know, as you are now the object of his affection.

Don't let it surprise you, how quickly you fall for him, and don't be apprehensive in letting yourself fall. He'll be there to catch you.

he didn't talk to his friends about us and when it ended, so I don't know if they will know either. It was a beautiful, one-sided love story of the past, but you are his future now.

I don't know you and you don't know me. I resented you slightly when I first found out, but we do have something very wonderful in common, and it connects us whether we like to admit it or not.

I can't tell you every secret because it took me time to figure that out myself. But just trust that there are reasons he doesn't say it to you, just give him time.

He will spoil you from time to time, but he is wise with his expenses; he spends money only when he needs to. If he likes something he'll do anything just to get it. You are going to notice how he gets excited like a child when it comes to certain things especially with foods and learn to hear giggle in his laugh.

You'll find out his favorite movie and anime series. You'll notice how he loves watching movies and how he might do it more than going out; and he wants you to watch it, well only if you have time. He love playing games and sometimes act like a kid. Don't get jealous of the time he spend working out, that's one of the things that could complete his day.

He has a temper, as I'm sure you have noticed, so don't take it personally.
Don't be surprise if he can't cry when you fight its not that he don't care nor love you but that's him, at first look he may be strong but you'll know he's weak, so he needs you, be strong for him.

As you stay together you'll look forward to simple things, such as walks because he'll reach for your hand, kiss you in the forehead in front of everyone and you'll blush because his touch simply vanishes every fear.

He'll do whatever you ask of him. When you get mad, he'd chase you. When he gets mad, and you also get mad, he'd still chase you. He doesn't like advertising things like relationships and feelings, so don't expect that of him, just know he does love you and so trust him. He may not think of you at every moment, but you'll cross his mind often enough.

He has bigger dreams than he is confident enough to believe in, so it's your job to tell him every day how handsome he is and how smart he is and that he is capable of it all. He won't believe you, but don't stop saying it.

He'll make you see the world in a new light, he'll be your moon and gives you light. He can cook(not bad at all) but he's more good in doing the laundry and doing household chores. You'll find yourself laughing at his little catchphrases, and if you do something he doesn't like, one eyebrow will raise and he'll look at you without blinking.

He loves telling you lines from his favorite song as much as he loves writing songs. One steam rice isn't enough for him so when you buy it for him, make it two and don't pair it with soda, he's a health conscious person so better buy water or ice tea.

He'll tell you about the past and his mistakes, so it's your job to take his hand and let him know you're not judging him. When his mom or dad scolds him tell him that he is not worthless and that everybody loves him the way he is. He just wanna chill in some certain spot, look the sky up above and see how beautiful God's creation is.

He is a great person. He found you because of failed relationships in the past. I hope you love him the way he deserves and I hope he loves you as deeply as I thought he did with me. I hope he's honest with you in a way he was with me, and most of all, I hope he gives you the fairytale I thought would once be my life. I hope that he can commit to a lifetime(Note: he don't believe in forever so don't tryna argue with him because he surely has all the reasons in the world, just let him win)

Also: Remember that I don't dislike you, but if I'm being honest, I am jealous of you. I'm in the process of acceptance, but I'm also happy someone else gets a chance to experience what I did.

Like I said before, we have a connection that no one else can say they have and I'm sure you are a wonderful person. He looks at a girl first before falling in love with her appearance. It's a rare quality in a man.

I only ask one thing of you: Don't hurt him the way he hurt me. I believe in karma and I believe people get what they send out to the world, but I never wish that pain upon anyone, especially him because I love him more than myself. You are dating the man of my dreams and I truly mean it when I say I hope it all works out for you.


The Other Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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