It happened

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Hey everyone. This is my first story. I'm still a little confused on the direction I want it to go.  Please enjoy

Hey.. I'm Marrisa,  and this is the story of my fucked up life, but also of my miraculously wonderful life.  I guess the story starts one day in my junior year of high school.  I was a fresh 17 year old off the bus on the first day. It's kind of a blessing and curse having your birthday on the first day of school.  Everyone forgets about it because they are busy with their "first day preparations," but then you get the satisfaction of not drawing any un-needed attention to yourself, and for a girl like me,  that's all I could ever ask for.

I would say I'm about average looking. Shoulder length auburn hair.  I have a slim figure but I don't have the "heavily sought after" thigh gap.  I have these light blue eyes but I have no clue where I got them.  Both of my parents have green eyes.  I wear glasses even though I have contacts because I am too scared to put them in every morning. Plus the glasses seem to help me see better in school. 

Speaking of that marvelous place called school, I couldn't find my new locker anywhere. They usually place every locker in a special room between the gyms and the commons area.  All of my friends even had theirs close together. I looked back down at the small piece of paper the student office gave me with my locker number on it.  Locker number 2778.

Oh.... Shit.  Locker number 2778. The lockers with numbers that were this high belonged in a smaller locker room on the other side of the school.  I guess I could be a little happy that my locker is over there.  Most of my classes this semester are located around that part of the school.  The only problem was...  That locker room was usually saved for the "troubled" kids or the kids with mild disabilities. I guess this year will be... Interesting. To say the least. 

I manage to make it to my locker 12 minutes before the first bell.  I shove the over abundance of books and papers and pencils every kid comes with on the first day,  just to lose them all in the coming months.  I take out just what I need for my first two classes because they are near to my locker.  Checking the time and seeing I really need to leave,  I close my locker door. Instantly in the corner of my eye I see a figure. I look over cautiously to see what character of a person has their locker living right next to mine. 

Oh.. She seems normal.  As normal as a girl can get.. Besides her ridiculous orange shirt that reminds me of that juice drink "Tang." I manage a weak hello In her direction, still not looking directly at her until the word hits her face like a tennis racket.  She takes a step back and looks at me.


It's all she said... But she didn't have to say anymore than that. It happened. For the first time in my life my heart skipped a beat.  A weak smile is spread carelessly across my face as she walks away... And first bell rings.  I'm late. 

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