Someting for Jac

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     I wipe the brown manure off my hands. I can barely make out my hands, even with the halp of the flickering lantern to my right. I look up at the giant stone cave walls. I whistle quietly because even though I've been a slave, for as long as I remember, the caves, hidden beneath Castle HavenGuard, still amaze me. Rumors say that many salaves like me, were forced to carve these. I look at the horses, in their stables, there manes all mangey. I walk over  them, and pick up the brush. The brush has a few stands of hair in it. I start to pick them out, before relizing how foolish it is. I start to brush the mane, as i hear the clincking of metal, getting louder. Getting closer. I turn my head, and look right into the eyes of the guard.

     "May I help you?" I ask heasently. He grunts, and walks away. I blow a stray piece of hair out my eyes, and finish grooming the horses manes. I put down the brush, and grab the pitch fork. I can see light reflecting off the smooth metal, and I stare absent mindly at it. Is this really my life? A teenager, born into slavery, to be bossed, shoved, and frowned upon, by guards? Forever endebtied to the king? I can feel a 2 sharper teeth prick my lip, and remind myself, no. That is what makes me, me. What I am makes me, me.

     A flash of stars, suddenly cloud my vision, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looks up at the guard that punched me, and rub my eye slightly. " I said, GET BACK TO WORK!" He snapped. "Sorry" I mumble. He stays there, glaring at me. He must want to make sure I keep working. I pick up the pitch fork, and stab it into the hay, and lift it, feeling my muscles tense. I drop the pale yellow hay into the trough, and look up, to see if the guard is still there, boring holes into me. All my eyes see is a sea of black. He must have walked away with out me noticing. Sighing, I scoop up some more hay, and drop it into the trough. I wipe a thin sheen of sweat from my fore head, and hang the pith fork back onto the wall.

     I pick up my lantern, and head fro the winding stairs, up to the main castle. The shackles that bind my ankles loosely together, jingle lightly. I quicken my pace, and make it up the stairs. I walk past the whipping posts, wincing at their cries of pain. I make it to the top, and let my eyes adjust to the sudden blinding light. The sun light, streams through the windows, and I set my lantern down, next to a row of others so close, it would have seemed that they were hugging the wall,so they didn't fall down the stairs to their deaths. I walk over to the table to collect my daily pay. The guard is snoring lightly, his eyes shut closed. I lay my hands on the table and clear my throat a little louder than I intended. I eyes flick open and he looks at me, with an eyebrow raised. "You done for the day?" He asks. I nod, and hold out my hand. He pulls out one bronze coin out of the giant bag, laying at his feet, and he places it in my hand.

     I grumble my thanks, and walk through the door, that leads outside. I can feel the spring breeze on my face, and the fadings suns warmth on my face. I start walking down the stairs, but I stop. Nice going, I think. Forgot to take off the shackles. I jog back up the stairs, and quietly walk over to the guard that gave me my daily wage. "I forgot to ask you to remove my shackles" I say, looking right into his eyes. "Right, right" He mumbles, as he kneels down, and unlocks my shakles. He sits back on his chair, and waves me on. Some comotion makes me stop from walking to the door. To my freedom for the night. Some guard is draging a woman cloaked in a hood. 

A/n~~~~ This may not be da end xD Favorite and write what should happen ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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