Another Day of Lies...

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   "Dang it..I thought it was Friday.." I mumble to myself. I realized I was still in my P.J's. I got up to hear my mother yell.."SAM-GET UP!!!!!!!!" I walked down the messed up stairs and almost fell over my dog. She was so small-just her sleeping on a step-you'd never see her there. "DARN IT REESE!! MOVE!" I yell at her. I kinda felt sorry cause..I yelled it straight in her ear. She hopped right up a fell down the stairs. "SAM WHAT DID TELL YOU ABOUT YELLING AT REESE!!!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. I sighed and walked down to pick her up. Whenever I tried..she bit my hand-bad enough to bleed. I slapped her black/brown nose and she howled away. "Stupid dog..." I say under my breath."SSAAMMM!!MOVE YOUR CRAP OFF THE TABLE!!!!!" My mother screamed. "FINE!!" I yell at her. My little sister came running right in front of me. "SAMSAMSAMSAM!!GUESS WHAT!! GUESSGUESSGUESS!!" She said with energy still built in her."wwhhaaAATTT!" I say annoyed. "COM'ER!" She said dragging me to the back door. I looked out the old shattered window and saw a bunny hole."Ok?And??" I looked at her confused. She was about to speak when my mother cut her off. "DANGET!!JESSIE YOUR BUS JUST PASSED!!" She said slamming her hand on the front window. "AW SHOOT!" She screamed right in my ear. "CRAP! REALLY JESS!?!RIGHT IN MY EAR!!" I yell at her. "ENOUGH! JESSIE! GET IN THE CAR!! I guess i'll take you to school today.." She said annoyed (as usual). "MOM! WHAT ABOUT ME!?!" I yell worried. "I'm sorry Sam-But-uh-You'll just have to ride your next bus-ok??UH-I'll take you tomorrow-I PROMISE!" She yelled as she yanked Jessie outside and left me. All alone. I sighed and sat on the couch with my backpack still on me. I hate my bus..I thought to myself as I got up and turned off the light in the living room. Ugh..I HATE today..

Never-Ending Lies (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now