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What is an anime or show in general you have been meaning to watch?

Mmmm... I'd have to say I have wanted to watch I've been wanting to watch Darker than Black for a while now.

What is your favorite type of mythical being?


Vampire v.s. werewolf (who would win)

Werewolf because wolfs are cool.

Would you rather be a demon or an angel?

I'd rather just die......but i guess angel

What is an instrument that you want to learn?

Probably piano. Just because i think it is an instrument many people learn, but do not really enjoy.

If you were a superhero what would your name be?

Raven(inside joke)

What do you think the fox actually says?

Foxes bark

Can you think of a sappy pick up line that a character would say?

I can imagine Loke saying "I must be a celestial spirit, because you've got the key to my heart" or something like that.

What is one character's death that you will probably never get over?

Probably Anik Kadam from Tigers Curse (really good book)

What character are you most like/attached to?

Ahhhh there's too many. One does not simply chose one.
I love Ultear tho and gray and karma and....goes on and on

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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