Pepe is my spirit animal

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So. how you doing (cue joey from friends face), anyways i'm feeling like i wanna rant about much i wish i was rich like, i'm pretty sure i was meant to be a kardashian/Jenner. But so lets talk about my morning so i woke up on my couch (idk how tho) and i have 4 alarms and i pressed snooze threw all of them saying to myself ill walk up in 5 minutes and when i finally grabbed my phone i started cuddling with it like a baby and fell back asleep. When i woke up it was 6:59 and i ran like a horse into my room and just laid on my bed feeling my hair to see if it dried over night and it did but my hair still looks like donkey poop. And i got ready and went to my bus stop btw i hate my bus i'm the only Mexican there no kidding. Went to my bus sat next my friend lets call her Montana so me and Montana were talking about she so happy she going to the may dance with her bf and she asked me if i was going my response was I don't want to get raped and then she went on her phone. i made it to school and since i'm an awkward person i don't go in the gym i went the cafeteria and talked to my friend lets say her name is Big mac well we talked  and then the bell rang and i had to go to my first hour. Anyways this is my book and i well write random stuff it might be about my day or a story i dont know if i should publish. 

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