Judy packed up her stuff in the apartment she was living in when she was done she said good by to her very....very.....VERY loud neighbors and to the apartment, she put all her boxes into nicks van and went to his place,Nick then takes out a pawsicle and ate it but when he opened the door his place was really empty like no one lives there,Judy asked nick "why is this place so....so?....." Nick Said "empty?" And Judy said "yea,why?" Nick said "since I have no party's or invite friends over only people who I make deals with I don't need to decorate much" Judy then asked "can I decorate this place" Nick replied with "sure if you want" then Nick took out the pawsicle and relaxed on his bed,Nick said to Judy "you can pick any room to stay in" so Judy choosed the room across from nicks room,Judy started to unpack and put stuff in her room,when she was done she fell asleep on her bed in her bed,her blanket fell just when Nick came in to check on her,Nick put her blanket on top of her since it was cold at night.
Zootopia 2
ActionThis story is about a fox and a bunny that went on a case and now they are dating then Judy moved in with nick and then they had a case to do but then nick got shoot by a poison gun bullet and got help from the hospital and the doctors say he will n...